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Succulent Kokedama Classes
The process of making a Kokedama is a lot of fun. In our Kokedama succulent classes, you will learn how to make x2 Kokedamas the size pictured above.
Customers have personal responsibility for an informed choiceWe take personal responsibility for the welfare of our clients by exercising an increased duty of care to ensure that our clients make an informed decision in their choice to attend our art classes and do so with the information available to them to make this decision properly and assess the suitability of that creative medium for their own personal situation. This is our statement as to our duty of care and how we meet that duty for our classes. We remind clients that they too need to take personal responsibility for the ultimate decision to participate in a resin class as the information is freely available and made intentionally available on each event. Please be advised that Sip 'n' Dip Australia will place an artist to supervise all classes and all measures will be taken to provide a safe environment for clients to enjoy resin, however, Sip 'n' Dip Australia Pty Ltd, its teachers, venues and owners takes no responsibility for personal liability and damage resulting from the use of Alcohol Ink in our class, at our venues or in your home. By purchasing a resin ticket you acknowledge that you understand and have read and agree to the terms and conditions listed on this page. Where can I find more information about the Alcohol Ink being used? Pinata Branded inks - Safety Data Sheet
Do you have risk assessments in place?Yes, we do. We review them every 6 months and they are held with each Sip 'n' Dip business independently. Please contact the Sip 'n' Dip region owner if you would like to view them for the venue you wish to attend. Where can I find more information about the Alcohol Ink being used? We use Pinata Inks and the Safety Data Sheets for this ink can be found here: Safety Data Sheet
Which colours will be available on the evening?We do not promise we will have any particular colours available at class, we offer a range of colours based on what is available at any particular time, note that due to COVID stock can be difficult to get so we offer a range of colours but will not promise that specific colour or shade will be at the class. Customers should not assume that a colour featured on our Facebook will be available. We do not promise or advertise a particular colour set will be available unless we run a class with a specific colour and design in which case those are the only available colours on the night.
Can I have technical information on the Ink you use?Yes, absolutely. We have made the educated decision to choose to use Pinata Alcohol Inks by Jaqard. We have carefully researched our options and the associated Safety Data Sheets and decided that as a medium, in our opinion, Pinata inks meets the requirements for our classes. Note that there is a very broad range of inkd on the market, whilst all ink is toxic some inks are considerably more toxic and dangerous than other kinds of ink and using inks not designed for the application you are making can be very dangerous. There is one safety data sheet that relates to the Pinata Alcohol Inks from end to end, the first few pages are a high-level summary, but the entire document should be reviewed to ensure you make an informed decision. You can find these here: Pinata Alcohol Inks We employ protective measures for our clients in our classes, these are commonly referred to as PPE gear (or personal protective equipment. Below is an overview of what we use and in some cases don't use and why. We have undertaken a risk assessment for each recommended PPE to determine based on the guidance in the SDS how we employ the suggested PPE based on the circumstances of their use, you can find the risk assessments with the owner of the area you are completing your class.
How do you know you are providing appropriate ventilation?For public venues where resin is used, that have current events listed, we retain a collection of risk assessments undertaken to assess the 'adequate ventilation' requirement of the SDS. We also record and control air quality checks periodically to ensure the continued safety of our clients. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Safety Data Sheet
Do you use ventilators?In some masterclasses - yes we do because we use a larger volume of inks in those classes. For general classes we do not use ventilators in class, we instead provide well-ventilated areas in which to work. The safety data sheet does not instruct the use of ventilators. We ensure we are considering this statement carefully and meeting this requirement by the following controls: We provide a safety instructional discussion at the start of each class. We provide competent teachers who monitor the resin in class as it progresses. We provide monthly training to our teachers. We provide well-ventilated areas in which to work. We provide periodic vapour checks to ensure our areas remain well ventilated. We provide classes that work with very small amounts of ink a maximum of 10ml across an entire project We do not torch our ink (extremes of temperature cause highly toxic fumes) Customers are not present for longer than they need to be If you use alcohol inks regularly, in spite of the safety data sheets absence of ventilators as a requirement we still recommend that you wear a ventilator if you are a regular ink user. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Safety Data Sheet
Do you use safety goggles?We are in the process of phasing these back into classes, due to COVID it became clear that we would be fined for reusable items in class whereby we could not prove them to be completely sanitized between uses. As society moves forward into the next phase of covid regulations we are able to recommence using them. The safety data sheet reads explicitly: 'Safety Glasses - follow national guidelines concerning the use of protective eyewear' We meet this requirement by undertaking risk assessments and the following engineering controls, combined with COVID regulations means we will be phasing glasses into our classes across southeast Queensland by the end of 2022.
Do you use gloves?Yes, we do. We supply gloves in all classes. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Safety Data Sheet
Do you provide aprons?The safety data sheet reads explicitly 'Protective work clothing' which is amigious. We instruct customers to come to classes in old clothes and to dress for an art class. We provide aprons at some locations (those with laundering facilities). For all locations, we provide advice to our clients that they should wear clothing with long sleeves as a protection mechanism. At the locations where aprons are not present, customers are required to dress appropriately for class, this information is provided connected to every ticket on our line up. COVID 19 introduced heavy fines for businesses that can not answer the question 'what are you doing to ensure you are putting measures in place to stop the spread of covid 19' the easiest way for it to spread in our classes is insufficient social distancing (which we police) and the use of reusable aprons. As society moves forward we will be phasing aprons back into all classes by the end of 2022.
Is Alcohol Ink Toxic?In Australia ink is classified as hazardous according to the criteria of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC). All ink is toxic, a chemical and should always be considered dangerous - caution should always be used when working with it. Resin should always be used as directed by the manufacturer. Where can I find more information about the ink being used? Please read the safety data sheet here.
Children and inkEvery listed ticket contains a link to the ink information page with instructions to read this link before attending class. Customers can also view this on the main menu of our website at any time. Teachers also disclose the risks as part of the safety instruction at the commencement of the class. Children are welcome in our ink classes, but caution should be exercised, and parents should make a judgment call as to the suitability of the project, the exposure to chemicals and the ability of the child to participate. Children must bring a surgical mask to class to wear and parents are required to read the safety data sheet before booking a ticket. Parents take on full responsibility for the supervision of their child while using ink. We operate inclusive classes but do not pretend that there are not risks involved, risks that parents should review and make a decision on. Please carefully review the safety data sheets here.
Pregnancy and Alcohol InkOur recommendation is that pregnant women shouldn’t work with Alcohol Ink - no matter the brand. We use Pinata Alcohol Inks. Pregnant women are welcome in our ink classes as an act of inclusion but the user’s own discretion applies. We suggest caution should be exercised, and each individual should make a judgment call as to the suitability of the project, the exposure to chemicals when deciding if they want to book. Expecting mothers take on full responsibility for this decision. We can not make this decision for them and we do not recommend they attend. Expectant mothers should be aware that working with or exposure to certain chemicals could increase their chances of having fertility problems, miscarriage, stillbirth, or a baby with birth defects. Whilst the safety data sheet for the product we use has no reference to the use of ink while pregnant, we remain firm in our resolve to provide expectant mothers with the information they need to make a judgment call. Pregnant women are required to read these safety data sheet before purchasing a ticket and we suggest expectant mothers should seek further advice from their healthcare provider about whether or not alcohol ink is safe for them. We recommend expectant mothers exercise additional PPE precautions if they decide to proceed in booking including: - Long Sleeved Clothing - Two pairs of Nitral Gloves - A ventilator mask - An Apron - Protective Glasses - Skin protection cream - Removal of any accidental residual resin on the skin with alcohol wipes, then soap and water immediately after class Expectant mothers can read the safety data sheets located here to support them in making their decision regarding ink.
Can you eat and drink while in class?We eat first and art after. Your teacher will remind you to finish these before they can set up your table. This is for a few reasons including but not limited to safety regarding the use of chemicals around food, space on your table to work, and simply put ink is difficult to get off glassware and so our venues retrieve their glasses promptly before that part of the class commences in an effort to ensure they are not ruined. You can choose to enjoy your dinner and drink before class starts, and customers often choose to enjoy a glass of wine or a slice of cake after class while they admire their work. Note you may see wine glasses in photos used to advertise the class, sometimes these are placed in the photos by the teachers to help gain marketing photos which assist us in advertising the class concept to those who are unaware of the whole offering, sometimes these are purchases made after the class has concluded. Please read the ink processes we follow for full context on how our classes operate.
Is this a guided art class?Yes! We will teach you to make the piece you signed up to paint step by step, this is not a 1x1 art class, you can expect to be taught from the front of the room in a group situation.
What is included in the cost?That depends on the ticket, some tickets are BYO, others have a meal included, sometimes its coffee and cake and sometimes it is class only. Please always refer directly to your ticket and/or the event listing to see what is included. Our studio is always BYO so you are welcome to bring wine and keep it in our fridges while you enjoy your night.
How structured is your class?Our classes are timed to a particular outcome, you must arrive on time and be ready to do your class. If you are late your class will commence without you, and you will need to wait for a break in class for your teacher to catch you up. We can not hold up the entire class for those who turn up late. We follow a step-by-step process in a group situation but encourage you to get creative and make choices about the look and feel of your artwork.
Do you have aprons?Yep, we do, but we haven't been allowed to use them for some time. You may be offered aprons in some classes, if you are, this means that they will not be used again before being laundered and sanisisted. Heavy fines apply to businesses like ours if we do not adhere to the fedral rulings regarding preventing the spread of COVID 19. Covid changed the way we operate in terms of reusable items in our business. Customers are required to BYO aprons.
What is a night at Sip 'n' Dip Like?Lots of fun! Depending on which venue you attend there are things that stay the same throughout them all. Great service, Great Classes and Great Venues. Our artists teach you step by step how to create in class from our Sip and Paint classes to our maker sessions, we offer beginner techniques and the best bit? No experience necessary!
Why do the same classes cost more or less at different places?We drop our costs when we go out to cafes to make the classes more accessible when we go into cafes, if we charged the same rate as the studio, then the cost of adding dinner and a drink would blow out the fees and make the class redundant. Cafes charge us a variety of fees depending on who they are and where they are based and how long we need to travel to get there. This is why the same class costs more or less across different venues.
Should I make a booking?We have limited seating so if you show up without a ticket, chances are we cant accomodate your request. For this reason we do require booking in advance. Check out The Calendar to pick your class and book online.
When should we arrive?We recommend coming in approximately 10 minutes early, so you can grab your supplies, find your seat and get ready to make your masterpiece! We usually begin class approximately 10-15 minutes after the class time has started.
How long are classesHow long is a piece of string? The length of the class is dictated by the class size and any chemical reaction that needs to take place. Generally, classes run for 2 hours but may be shorter if its a smaller class, or longer if its a larger class. For example: a class of 20 might run for 1-1.5 hours, whereas a class of 60 may run for 3. Classes that involve a chemical reaction like our resin classes mean that they will be a minimum of 40 minutes long as that is how long we have to work with the resin. Large paint classes take longer as the teacher will almost certainly field more questions 1:1 from customers then say a poly clay class. Allow 1-3 hours with the understanding that we aim for 2 in almost all cases.
Can we sit together?Absolutely! If you book multiple seats, we will aim to put you on the same table or as close as possible depending on the size of your group. On arrival simply let your host know how many people are needing to be seated together and they will assign those seats for you.
What to wear?You are coming to an art class - dress appropriately. Almost everything you work with has the capacity to stain or ruin your clothing. We recommend wearing something that’s comfy, and BYO an apron (we can not offer them presently due to covid restrictions). Any damage to your clothing as a result of participating in an art class with sip n dip will be the sole responsibility of the person wearing it. This includes splashback from neighboring customers completing their work and unexpected situations that may arise like paint pumps having residual dried paint in the nosil and squirting in unexpected ways. Customers book tickets on the understanding that it is an art class, and art classes are messy.
Can I order Wine or Beer onsite?Depends where you are arting. If your ticket says that you get a glass of wine, then the venue is licensed and you can purchase wine and beer on-site (and can not BYO). Our studios are BYO so you can bring your own (please bring cups also).
Do you offer private events?Yes absolutely! learn more here.
Are children allowed at our evening classes?We do not allow babies to attend classes, or for parents to bring their kids along. Unfortunately, we had to change this policy due to frequent disruptions to other paying customers a few ruined it for everyone. Our events, however, are open to the public, if children attend they must be registered ticket holders and must be supervised by a parent 1:1, drinks will be swapped to a kids drink, the price is the same (the venues subsidise pricing for our classes). Note that if your child becomes disruptive to the class, you will be asked to leave for the comfort of the group until the child can return without disruption. If they can not, refunds do not apply. Note if you are attending a resin art class, parents MUST read the resin information and determine if resin is appropriate for their child to use as it is a chemical.
Can we BYO food to the studio classes?We do have snacks available for purchase incuding chocolate, chips, water and soft drink varieties. We do permit BYO odourless snack food only.
Can I use the skills I learn to make money in my own business?Yes of course (as long as you dont duplicate our classes!) We are a small family run business and we worked really hard to get to where we are. This is why we are so passionate about protecting our intellectual property when it comes to what can and can not be used by others. Over our time in business, we have had lots of makers come through our doors to increase their skills and learn new ones and we are totally fine with that, we love sharing creativity. But we have also had businesses come to our classes and carbon copy what we do right down to the stock we use. We have had businesses try to copy our trademarks and slogans, we have had a business try to claim we were using other peoples Intelectual property in order to secure the venue we were trading in for themselves and we have even had people try to use photos from our classes to advertise their own! Who would have thought art was so cutthroat? This is why we now have a policy in place to explain what we allow and what we see as a breach when it comes to our classes. Customers who book into our classes, automatically agree to these terms and conditions as part of the ticket terms. We consider our rights to intellectual property and copyright universal - so it applies to our customers, our competitors, our staff and any other person or entity that chooses to engage with our work. Sip 'n' Dip Classes are intended for personal use only. Sip 'n' Dip Australia Pty Ltd owns the rights and intellectual property to any and all classes delivered throughout our network of providers. Any reproduction of our classwork in any form for monetary benefit is a breach of our copyright and action will be taken to recuperate monies owed from revenue created from this Intelectual Property. Clients are warmly welcome to use the skills they learn in class in any form they choose, we encourage and celebrate creativity and welcome others to apply the skills they learn to their own work. However, those who chose to replicate our classes, class plans, or that we can reasonably prove are using our step by step instructions (including the use of images taken during classes to advertise competitor offerings) will be persecuted. If you have questions regarding this policy please contact
Do your teachers take photos of classes?Yes, we take images during our classes to advertise our events and promote them. Our teachers will always ask the group before taking images and will respect the decision of the attendee to be included or excluded from these images. If you dont hear the request feel free to let your teacher know directly they will be more than happy to remove any images of you. These images remain the property of Sip 'n' Dip Australia Pty Ltd and we use them on social media, print material and a variety of customer touchpoints. Images taken in our classes by students are welcome to be shared. We remind clients that these images depict our intellectual property and ask that they not be used in advertising for competitors.
Bad Weather Policy for eventsIf we have to cancel an event due to weather we will let you know via email ASAP after we make the call. Please check your spam folder in case you miss the notification. For outdoor events cancelled, we will attempt to book a replacement date then email you to let you know the new date has been booked, this can take up to 7 days to arrange as we need to coordinate with venues, speakers, teachers and caterers. If you can not make that date, we will offer a credit transfer to any class of your choosing. We do not refund for bad weather. If we are required to pay a non-refundable fee to the venue a fee, for example, to cover catering, this portion of the ticket is non-refundable and will not be transferred. Customers can, however, take it up directly with the venue if they feel it should be refunded.
Do you offer store refunds?Generally speaking, we do not offer refunds. We will gladly replace any item damaged in transit to you, but we do not offer refunds for change of mind. All sales are final.
Is there anything I should know about resin before I book in?Yes, we recommend you read the summary below AND review the resin FAQ section of our website where it addresses in detail safety with resin. A FEW THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT WORKING WITH RESIN IN OUR CLASSES Resin is a chemical and as such is considered dangerous and caution should be taken when working with it. COLOURS We do not promise we will have any particular colours available at class, we offer a range of colours based on what is available at any particular time, note that due to COVID stock can be difficult to get so we offer a range of colours but will not promise that specific colour or shade will be at the class. Customers should not assume that a colour featured on our Facebook will be available. We do not promise or advertise a particular colour set will be available unless we run a class with a specific colour and design in which case those are the only available colours on the night. DISCLAIMER Please be advised that Sip 'n' Dip Australia will place an artist to supervise this class and all measures will be taken to provide a safe environment for you to enjoy resin, however, Sip 'n' Dip Australia Pty Ltd, its teachers, venues and owners takes no responsibility for personal liability and damage resulting from the use of resin in our class, at our venues or in your home. Buy purchasing a resin ticket you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions listed on this page. CHILDREN AND RESIN Children are welcome in our resin classes, but caution should be exercised, and parents should make a judgement call as to the suitability of the project, the exposure to chemicals and ability of the child to participate. Parents take on full responsibility for the supervision of their child while using resin. PREGNANCY AND RESIN Pregnant woman are welcome in our resin classes, but caution should be exercised, and each individual should make a judgement call as to the suitability of the project, the exposure to chemicals when deciding if they want to book. Expecting mothers take on full responsibility for this decision. Working with or exposure to certain epoxies or resins could increase your chances of having fertility problems, miscarriage, stillbirth, or a baby with birth defects. We ask that if you are expecting that you carefully review the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the resin(s) you are considering. BOARD COLLECTION At the studio, your board will be left with us on the night, by morning they will be hard enough to travel with but it will be another 7 days before they can be sanded and finished for you. Your board/s will be food-grade cured within 7 days (depending on humidity and heat) we can not sand them before that point is achieved as the chemical compounds remain active and toxic and can be inhaled. If you return early and decide to sand your own PLEASE DO NOT do so before the 7-day cure has been achieved. Once boards are ready to be collected, a post will be popped onto our Facebook page - the quickest way to check is to send a message to our Facebook page. Depending on the number of projects being cured in the studio it can take a further 7 days before your work is ready. In cafes, we use tape to protect the rear of your board - you will need to remove that tape as soon as possible after class to remove the drips. We offer FREE sanding for all classes so if you have drips head to 98 Brisbane Terrace Goodna between 7am-2pm Monday to Saturday to have your board sanded and cleaned up for a beautiful clean finish. HOW TO LOOK AFTER YOUR BOARD Your board is designed to be aesthetically beautiful, we place the art to one end of the board so that you can enjoy all matter of food on the majority of the board. There are a few rules to consider when caring for your board: Do not: Apply heat to your resin (it will melt) - our resin can withstand a hot coffee cup 14 days after cure. Leave it in the sun fulltime (it will turn yellow eventually if left exposed to UV light) Stack things on top of it (it will leave dimples in your surface eventually) Cut on your resin (it's not a chopping board its art, using a knife will leave marks) You may use a non-serrated cheese knift Do: Wash with warm soapy water & Rinse Air dry Hang your board for all to see and admire HOW TO MAKE SURE YOUR RESIN SETS You need to be aware that there are a few moving pieces to make sure it sets properly. We encourage you to ensure you are following your teacher's directions to the letter to avoid disappointment with your final piece. The room will be set to 24 degrees, this is reasonably warm, add the body temperature of everyone in the room into the mix and it will sit somewhere between 24-30 which is the Goldilocks zone for we need for your resin to cure properly. In cafes, your teacher will use thermometers to keep an eye on the temperature and instruct students if they should be working faster or slower based on that. We will offer a 'Wash' style board, boards with resin cut in a straight line require an additional hour of cure time as there is a step after it starts to harden so are not offered in this class. If you would like us to do this for you, your artists time is set at $50 per hour to wait for the board to semi-set before pulling the tape. PROBLEMS YOU CAN RUN INTO You will not get a cure if you: Stir copious amounts of bubbles into your resin (go slow once they are in we can't get them out) if you have very large bubbles and cant see them to pop them before they cure, they will result in pockmarks on the surface that are very large. Inaccurately measure and mix your resin (take time to get this right - or you will have a sticky result that won't set) Inaccurately mix your colour pigment into your resin (make sure it's mixed thoroughly or you will get sticky patches after cure) Add more than 10% colour pigment (this will change the ratio and your board won't set) Don't mix the chemicals properly - be sure to spend time scraping the edges and bottom as you go (unmixed resin will stay sticky and not cure) Touch the surface of your work with your hands - oils repel the resin and so you will end up with clean fingerprints left if you touch the surface without cleaning the oils away You can also read the FAQs for the brand resin used in this class here. Your teacher will mention all this in class and walk you through it, but please be aware going in that paying attention is the best way to get a proper cure. BLOW TORCHES & HEAT GUNS We do not use these in class. Our public liability prohibits their use, but beyond that you can cause damage to yourself and your work that can not be reversed if you are not monitored. FIRST AID Please be advised that Sip 'n' Dip Australia will place an artist to supervise this class and all measures will be taken to provide a safe environment for you to enjoy resin, however, Sip 'n' Dip Australia takes no responsibility for personal liability and damage for those attending the classes. You do so at your own risk. At room temperature exposure to vapour is minimal due to low volatility. The LC50 has not been determined. Skin Contact: May cause sensitisation by skin contact. Eye Contact: May cause irritation to eyes. Ingestion: No anticipated harmful effects in small amounts. Inhalation: May cause sensitisation by inhalation. Brand: Just Resin Safety Data Sheets: Can be found here. We use a UV stabilised, self-levelling Art Resin. General Advice: Seek medical advice. If breathing has stopped or is laboured give assisted respirations. Supplemental oxygen may be indicated. If the heart has stopped begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately. Inhalation: Remove the source of contamination or move the victim to fresh air. Ensure airways are clear and have qualified person give oxygen through a face mask if breathing is difficult. If symptoms develop and persist seek medical attention. Ingestion: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Immediately wash out mouth with water. If symptoms persist seek medical attention. Skin: Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse or discard. If symptoms develop seek medical attention. Eye: If contact with the eye(s) occurs, wash with copious amounts of water holding eyelid(s) open. Take care not to rinse contaminated water unto the non-affected eye. If symptoms persist seek medical
Do you have a covid policy?Yes check it out at
paint your pet class FAQ's1. What type of Picture should I send and why? We require a clear picture of your pet preferably standing or sitting facing the camera. This is to ensure our Artist can lightly sketch your pet picture to the canvas. If you're not sure your pet pic is ok. Please send it to us and we let you know. Due to time constraints during the session please only one pet per canvas. 2. Does it have to be a cat or a dog? No any pet is fine. 3. What if I don't have a pet? Please google a Pet Photo you would like to paint. 4. When do your require the pet photo? Please send us your pet photo's ASAP. But please no later than the deadline quoted at check out. In order for us to have a sketch of your pet prepared before your class, please ensure you submit your photo via this form at least 7 days prior to class. Our artist will then complete a sketch using this tutorial as a guide. If no photo is provided you will need to sketch your own pet on the evening. 5. Where do I send my pet pics? Please submit via this link. 6. What will my sketch look like? Your sketch will be broken down into large shapes and details will be oversimplified to ensure that you can paint in the Andy Warhol / CMYK style we are advertising. We will not sketch a detailed portrait of your pet, this is both not viable for the class fee we charge nor will it allow you to complete the class in the defined style. 7. What happens if I forget to send my sketch? You will be provided this cheat sheet and will need to sketch your pet yourself during the event, our classes are timed, unfortunately because of this teachers do not have the time allocated to be able to do this during class for you.
Can people on the NDIS use your service?Yes! We encourage inclusivity. If you are self or plan managed you can claim our classes on the NDIS most people opt to use the class innovative community participation, however it varies depending on your needs.
Do you offer NDIS 1x1 classes?Yes we do, they start at $55 per session and increase in cost depending on the class you chose.
Are you an NDIS Registered provider?No, but we used to be. The cost of renewal was unfortunately too high for us to justify the cost of being a registered provider. If you are self or plan-managed, you need to check with your plan manager to find out if you can use your plan for our classes. You will need to book your tickets and claim the cost through your provider. We do not invoice in advance due to issues with being paid the full amount of the invoice in the past. We take no responsibility for and/or make no inferences that you can or can not claim your ticket price on your plan. You must check this in advance with those who make the decisions regarding your plan. We are not, and are not associated with the NDIS in any way, but self and plan-managed clients often use our services.
Can I use my credit for any class?No, there are certain exclusions for the use of credits. You can not use your credit for a contractor class, or for a special event. If you are unsure of which classes qualify please speak with the sip n dip region owner for the area that you purchased your ticket.
Zero Tolerance On Teacher AbuseHere at Sip 'n' Dip we operate fun art classes - designed to be a night of fun often over dinner and a glass of wine. When you attend a Sip 'n' Dip event you undertake that you are being taught in a class situation similar to high school, whereby you have a teacher instructing from the front of the class and you are obligated to listen and follow the steps of their instruction to achieve the advertised outcome. You have a personal responsibility to listen to the teacher, hear the steps and implement this knowledge. We offer beginner art classes with limited simple steps. Shared teachers can not provide 1x1 tuition during a class situation, students are welcome to ask questions but teachers can not linger at tables as it will detract from the experience of the group as a whole. Equally when a teacher is supporting another student, attendees are required to patiently wait their turn for the teacher to finalise their instruction and answer the customer's question. Our teachers are tasked with implementing a timed class curated to fit the evening's requirements (meals, drinks and class) they can not provide instruction on other techniques (only the one advertised) and are required to fulfill a range of both logistical and entertainment outcomes at each class. If you would like to produce something you located on Pinterest at your class, you are welcome to do so, but the teacher will not have time to assist you in creating a technique different from the class listed - they are tasked with one technique across a group. For these reasons we have a zero tolerance on abuse to our teachers, if you raise your voice with a teacher, swear at a teacher or otherwise speak disrespectfully or act in a way that our teachers may find emotionally, personally or physically intimidating or in a way that is not listed but makes them feel uncomfortable (this includes sexual advances, homophobic comments, racists remarks or more), we will eject you from the class without notice, without a refund and you will not be allowed to continue your project. You will also be banned from attending any future Sip 'n' Dip classes across our network and any future attempts to book in will be refunded on the spot. If you are ejected from the class on the basis of abuse - you will not be entitled to anything. We will not refund you. We will back up our staff. Note this is in line with ACCC requirements. Teachers are given the autonomy to decide how they feel about the interaction, if it looks and feels like abuse, the chances are it is - so they will confirm they have grounds with their manager, they will inform the venue, and they will eject the student at this point. Head office, our licensees and managers will 100% support the teacher's decision. If the student refuses to leave, we will authorise the authorities to get involved. This policy is in place to protect our staff and make them feel safe in the workplace and by agreeing to attend our class you agree that you will comply with this policy, and that you agree with all items listed above including teachers discretion.
Do you accept companion cards?What is the companion card program? The Companion Card program supports people who have a disability and a lifelong need for attendant care support to participate in community activities and attend venues. Companion Card holders receive a second ‘companion' ticket at no charge at participating venues and on public transport. The 'companion' ticket is also exempt from booking fees. Does Sip 'n' Dip participate? No. Whilst we are an inclusive class provider and actively encourage participation and welcome everyone into our classes we don’t offer companion card tickets. Can my carer participate by assisting me with my project? Yes, class fees are divided into two payments. One which covers the class, and one which covers the booking fee for the venue (and often includes a meal). Sip 'n' Dip practices inclusion by ensuring that carers are welcome to attend and support their participant in the class at no fee. Each venue has different inclusion policies, most will require payment for the booking fee at the venue and provide anything advertised as an inclusion in that (such as a meal and drink). Supporting a participant dose not entitle them to a free ticket, they are welcome to support their participant with the participants project. Can my carer participate with their own class project? Yes, but they must be a ticket holder the same as all other attendees. Carers that attend for social inclusion fall under the NDIS. If you are on the NDIS, you are self-managed and your plan allows tickets for your carer, you can refer to our NDIS policy for more information on how to charge back your carers ticket. Your carer can not participate and be provided with a class kit, and tuition and create the same art as everyone else, without paying for a ticket and will not be provided with a class set of their own unless a paid ticket can be produced. Why doesn't Sip 'n' Dip participate in the companion card program? The government created this program to assist businesses with inclusion goals, however has provided no funding to cover the costs associated with the program. Businesses that participate are required to fund 100% of the cost of tickets provided, and the demand for these tickets is high. As a small Australian business that offers low-cost options to make classes accessible for all, we can not afford the luxury of providing free tickets. If the government changes this program and starts to provide supports for their participants to ensure that businesses are able to provide these services, we will revise this policy. Until then we will continue to practice inclusion by not charging carers to attend to assist their participant, by engaging with the NDIS and by offering classes at significantly reduced rates relative to the market.
QUARANTINE NOTICES DELIVERED DURING A CLASSIf you are provided a quarantine notice during class and have to leave, you will be provided your materials as a do-it-yourself kit to take home and instructions will be emailed to you within 7 days of the date of your class. Refunds or credits will not apply. Credits and refunds do not apply. OLD POLICY PRE 27/07/2022 - If you booked your ticket before this date, this policy will apply The situation with COVID 19 is developing. From time to time, depending on hotspots in the community and risk of transmission, customers may be advised that they are required to quarantine or isolate without notice. Anyone who has had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 may be directed to quarantine in their home, an alternative quarantine address or in government arranged accommodation. If you are directed to quarantine, you will be issued with a quarantine direction under the Public Health Act 2005. This is a legal notice. If you have been directed to quarantine, you must stay at the address stated on your quarantine direction for 14 days, or the date otherwise specified on the direction. You must proceed directly to your home as quickly as practicable, you can not continue with your class and comply with the direction. If you arrive for a class, and are issued with notice before ordering, you will be entitled to a credit If you arrive for your class, and eat but do not attend the class component - you can be transferred to another date OR you can ask for a DIY pack and take your project kit home with you. If you have eaten and are half way through your class, you must pack up and head directly home. - You can be transferred to another date to do your project OR you can ask for a DIY pack. In all cases, you are required to supply your notice. As soon as you are aware that you have been given a quarantine directive you must tell your teacher and provide as much information about the notice as you have, and provide a phone number before departing. We will then make an announcement to the room advising your fellow artists that you have left, and what the situation is. The artist will call their manager who will phone the venue to confirm, followed by the covid hotline. The class will proceed until we are otherwise advised we are unable to do so. We are considerate in terms of losses we make if someone is notified halfway through the class. We cover a host of miscellaneous expenses, in addition to admin rebooking. But if you have ordered or eaten the meal, or taken the meal as a doggy bag and you choose to attend a class instead of a DIY pack, when you attend the meal component will be required to be paid again as a second meal will be provided and provision of meals is required by all venues to permit our clients to attend (this is not required for DIY packs as the meal has already happened in that scenario) as we are required to ensure everyone who attends on a given night, pays for a meal.
CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE COLD OR FLU SYMPTOMS (OR ARE A CLOSE CONTACT)Current Policy If you have a cold or flu symptoms or are a close contact and can not attend your class please refer to the no-show policy for more information. The no show policy will apply in full unless you have purchased ticket protection at the time of your purchase. Updated policy 27/06/2022 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. If you have a cold or flu symptoms or are a close contact and can not attend your class you will be provided your materials as a do-it-yourself kit to take home and instructions will be emailed to you within 7 days of the date of your class. Credits and refunds do not apply. Updated Policy 23/01 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. In addition to the above, as the situation has changed, we have also made the below provisions, customers can choose which they wish to apply to their situation (the above or the below) If you are unable to attend your class because you have COVID 19 (or are a close contact of someone with COVID 19) but can not produce an isolation notice (by way of PCR testing or by self-reporting a positive RAT test) and can not attend your class, please contact the owner of the region for which you hold your ticket. Their contact details can be located here. They will place your class materials to the side and you can book into a future class to complete the classwork you paid for (this will not result in credit under 48 hours, you will complete the class you paid for as the materials will have been pre-purchased for you). Original Policy 01/05/2020 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. If customers have cold and flu symptoms that didn't exist prior to the 48-hour notice period (ie. they started getting sick within the notice period and couldn't give notice), they must not attend class. To get a transfer of ticket to another class customers MUST visit a doctor the same day to present with their symptoms in order to claim that transfer. If they present to a doctor with symptoms, they will test for COVID and require them to isolate. A copy of this isolation notice will be required to transfer the ticket or it will remain forfeited and be ineligible to transfer. Refunds do not apply. The isolation notice will show the date and time customers were tested and verify they have let us know as soon as they could. Unfortunately, people have taken advantage of the government directive not to attend events and are using it as a way to circumnavigate the refund policy and so this policy applies to all tickets purchased.
CUSTOMER PREFERENCE / WANTING TO AVOID GOING OUTCurrent policy - Updated 02/09/2024 - Applies to all tickets purchased from this date. Please refer to the no-show policy for more information. The no show policy will apply in full unless you have purchased ticket protection at the time of your purchase. Previous policy 27/06/2022 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. If you would prefer not to attend your class you will be provided your materials as a do-it-yourself kit to take home and instructions will be emailed to you within 7 days of the date of your class. Credits and refunds do not apply. Previous policy - From 01/05/2020 We recognise that some customers may be uncomfortable returning to class after a lockdown situation and/or if covid is present in the community, this may be for a variety of reasons from fear for their own health and safety to an objection to wearing PPE equipment required to attend. In all cases, customers reserve the right to attend or not to attend. For customers who decide not to attend, an 48 hour notice period is required (or the ticket will be forfeit) and credits will be offered. Refunds will not be offered for customers who object to complying and wish not to attend as a result. If you no longer wish to attend an event due to concerns about COVID-19, this is treated under consumer law as a 'change of mind' please refer to the ACCC website for more information.
CLARIFICATION ON ADMISSION WITHOUT VACCINECurrent policy 27/06/2022 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. We do not own the venues we function in, therefore we do not get a choice as to whom we admit into them. Our policy is one of nil discrimination having been subjected to vaccine mandates that both destroyed our business, but also prohibited some of us from doing our jobs. If you can not attend your class because of a vaccine mandate in place, you will be provided your materials as a do-it-yourself kit to take home and instructions will be emailed to you within 7 days of the date of your class. Credits and refunds do not apply as we both did not introduce or agree with the policy, or play any part it its implications. Previous Policy Sip 'n' Dip Australia is Pro-Choice, we have two art studios, one located in Goodna and one located in Northlakes for which we own the lease and welcome all. We will not ask for your personal health records. We operate out of a variety of venues that we do not own all over south east queensland. If you would like to know their entry requirements please contact the venue direct as we too are required to adhere to these entry requirements for our staff. We have not mandated vaccines for our staff, we have moved unvaxed staff's shifts to venues that we know are pro-choice to ensure they are not required to disclose their private health records to anyone or get the vaccine in order to work for us. Regarding the mandate generally, we have always been required to follow every and all directives issued from the government therefore our policy remains firm and without change in view of the requirement announced 9/11/2021. We still require 48 hours notice if you cannot attend your class for any reason, this includes your personal vaccination status if the class you have booked into, requires a vaccine for entry. If you have booked for a class and can no longer attend, if you would like a credit, you must let us know within 48 hours that you can no longer attend - unless you are showing cold or flu symptoms (see above). Customers must check with the venue to confirm their application of the mandate, if the venue refuses you access based on any rulings associated with your immunisation status, we will not refund your ticket. If you provide us 48 hours notice, we will offer you a credit.
COVID RELATED STAFF SHORTAGES / RESULTING CLASS CANCELLATIONSAs covid is present in the community from time to time, we may find that we are left without staff. Whilst this happens very rarely (in fact it hasn't happened yet) we provide a policy to cover the event should it happen. If we cancel an event due to covid related staff shortages, we will rebook the event for 4 - 6 weeks time to allow customers time to be able to attend. The ACCC expects that you will receive a refund or other remedy, such as a credit note or voucher, in most circumstances if you can not attend the rebooked date. We comply with this directive by offering to reschedule the event in the first instance, and by offering a credit note if you are unable to attend that replacement date.
PPE & CUSTOMER SAFTEYSip 'n' Dip reserves the right to apply the requirement for PPE equipment as a mandatory requirement of attendance. If customers can not comply for a health reason we will review on a case by case basis and agree to comply based on the government's policy. Customers can opt for a credit if they prefer not to attend as an objection to complying with this policy provided 48 hours notice is givem. Refunds will not be offered for customers who object to complying and wish not to attend as a result.
PARTIAL LOCKDOWNSCurrent policy 27/06/2022 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. If you can not attend your class because you are in a partial lockdown and can not leave the area, you will be provided an option to complete your class in an upcoming class (the mterials and project you signed up for) or your materials can be provided as a do-it-yourself kit to take home and instructions will be emailed to you within 7 days of the date of your class. Credits and refunds do not apply. Previous policy In the event that a lockdown is lifted and the Sip 'n' Dip event can proceed, but customers are located in an area that remains in lockdown (and are therefore restricted from traveling) our no-show policy applies. Note that we make provisions under the policy and ensure effect customers are issued a full credit that can be used at any class in the region it was purchased rather than losing their ticket. But have added this clarification on this page, in addition to where it is listed on the general policies to make it easier to find.
POSTPONED EVENTS & REBOOKING (LOCKDOWNS)NEW POLICY 26/06/2022 In the event that we undertake a lockdown, we will postpone events. Once the lockdown has lifted we will initiate the new dates for these events and contact you via email to confirm when it will be, you will be offered to attend the scheduled date, and in some cases, you will be offered additional dates if they are available. In the event that you can not attend the new date, you will be offered a credit or a do-it-yourself kit will be made available for collection from the venue you were due to attend. Credits and refunds do not apply. Lockdowns are mandated by the federal and/or state goverment and beyond our rhelm of responsibility and/or control. If lockdowns extend past 4 weeks we will convert the class to a zoom session and provide your packs for collection from your local venue, your meal component will still be payable and your meal can be paid for and collected from the venue at the time you collect your packs. OLD POLICY - Prior to 26/06/2022 If we are required to lockdown for a lockdown event, tickets will be postponed for the projected duration of the lockdown. After the lockdown has been finalised and restrictions are lifted we will resume rebooking classes. The ACCC expects that you will receive a refund or other remedy, such as a credit note or voucher, in most circumstances. We comply with this directive by offering to reschedule the event. If you can not attend and offering for you to compelte the prokect you paid for in an upcoming class if you are unable to attend if the lockdown exceeds 8 days an option for the conversation of the event to digital. Lockdown Events 1-8 days This policy confirms we will reschedule classes for the same day & time on a date approx 4-6 weeks after the postponed event allowing clients ample time to make arrangements to attend. Refunds will not be offered if you can not attend the new date. If customers are unable to attend a credit with a 12-month expiry will be offered which can be used in the region it was purchased. Lockdown Events 9 days onwards If lockdown events exceed 8 days we will proceed to offer classes digitally via 'Zoom Meetings' week by week as lockdown progresses until we are able to recommence trade physically (this include post lockdown restrictions to class sizes resulting in our inability to legally hold the event). Packs will be available for collection from your nearest Sip 'n' Dip Cafe/Restaurant/Tavern venue. Lockdowns that exceed 6 months If a lockdown event exceeds 6 months, blanket refunds will apply week by week as the lockdown progresses until it is lifted. Restrictions & Collection Points Classes include dinner and a drink, therefore our collection points are in most circumstances able to trade for pick up during lockdown as they are considered essential. If however customers are restricted from travel (can not legally collect their meal & class pack from their sip 'n' dip venue) they will be offered a credit which can be used in the region it was purchased. Refunds do not apply.
SIP N DIP LOCKDOWN PROTOCOLIn the event of a lockdown Sip 'n' Dip will follow the below protocol across all regions: a blog post will be posted to track the below steps: Review communications provided by the state and federal government and comply with the required actions. Select the events we are required to postpone. Contact our venues to advise our position, and provide advice as to which actions we are required to take to comply with said required actions. Contact our artists to ensure their welfare, safety, and provide advice on any shift cancellations. Contact our studios and advise closure requirements and additional safety requirements. Based on these actions we will follow the below process in order: Post on Facebook acknowledging the lockdown and providing confirmation that advice will be forthcoming. Then pin this post to the top of the page, share to each of our creatives groups and repeat. Add an automatic responder to the Facebook messager reflecting this message. Add a pop up to the website reflecting this message. Message all attendees via email to let them know their classes have been postponed with advice for when our next contact will be with them. Change the title of events that have been postponed on both the website and on Facebook. Once this sequence has been followed we will wait for advice from the local, state, and federal government as to the appropriate next step. Once restrictions are eased we will follow the below protocol: Contact all our artists to check their comfort in teaching and confirm shifts. Contact our venues to confirm their ability to host planned classes under any existing restrictions. Contact ticket holders via email for any events in the next 7 days and email them to confirm their classes will proceed.Update the Facebook post, website pop up and autoresponder to include the new information. Proceed to reschedule postponed events for 4 - 6 weeks' time.Proceed to watch information advice from the local, state, and federal government as to the appropriate next step and action/repeat the protocol as required.
CREDITS FROM COVID CANCELLATIONSCurrent policy - Updated 02/09/2024 - Applies to all tickets purchased from this date. Please refer to the no-show policy for more information. The no show policy will apply in full unless you have purchased ticket protection at the time of your purchase. Current policy 27/06/2022 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. If you have a cold or flu symptoms or are a close contact, or have a confirmed case of COVID and can not attend your class you will be provided your materials as a do-it-yourself kit to take home and instructions will be emailed to you within 7 days of the date of your class. Credits and refunds do not apply. Old Policy If you have covid and let us know we will offer you one of three options for your ticket only (one ticket from your booking): - a DIY class pack with written instructions using the materials we purchased for you - a credit to use at a later date - we will keep your materials to the side and you can book back in at a later date to complete your piece The option we offer you will be based on our position and how much notice you have provided, if we have already spent the money on your class supplies, and if the class was sold out. You will not get to choose which, the manager will let you know which is available for you. In all cases there is a $10 fee applies per ticket (to cover preparation and postage for the DIY pack, and to cover admin for the other two options). All members who pull out citing covid within 48 hours of the event must provide a registered PCR test report (a photo of the test is not permissible) in order to claim one of the options above. You will not be given a credit for anyone who was attending with you and doesn't have covid but doesn't want to attend. Each registered notice from the government recording a positive case of covid must show the name of the person and that name will be matched with the booking and one ticket removed per notice.
CAN WE CANCEL A GROUP BOOKING IF SOMEONE HAS COVIDCurrent policy - Updated 02/09/2024 - Applies to all tickets purchased from this date. Please refer to the no-show policy for more information. The no show policy will apply in full unless you have purchased ticket protection at the time of your purchase. Current policy 27/06/2022 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. If you have a cold or flu symptoms, or have covid, or are a close contact and can not attend your class you will be provided your materials as a do-it-yourself kit to take home and instructions will be emailed to you within 7 days of the date of your class. This applies also if you are part of a group booking. Credits and refunds do not apply. Old Policy No, only those who can produce a registered notice from the government can claim a credit. If you have covid and have registered your positive PCR or RAT test and are isolating and so have a letter confirming you are indeed required to isolate, you will receive a credit. Only guests who can provide this notice in writing prior to the event can claim a credit, no-showing for the event will result in forfeiting your ticket. Photos of a PCR test will not qualify for a credit. We can however convert your booking to a virtual class if you have a private booking with us.
What are the terms and conditions of ticket sale?They are exactly the same as the general terms and conditions, you can read them under the tab 'General terms and Conditions (refunds)' located above.
Do I have to pay for my event in full to get the discount?Yes. To take advantage of the discount, when you book your party you will need to ensure all tickets are paid for before the cut off of 30th of June (EOFY) 2022. Tickets purchased after this date for the sale Christmas party will be charged at the full rate.
Can I get a tax invoice?Yes absolutely, we are registered for GST and Tax Invoices will issue automatically via email after you make your purchase.
What happens to my event if there is a lockdown?The standard terms and conditions will apply, and your event will be postponed and rebooked for a new date. Refunds will not apply as we purchase the stock for your event after you book it.
What happens if one of my guests pull out?You can transfer that ticket to another person, or you can request a do-it-yourself pack, refunds do not apply for change of mind.
Can I use another discount code with this offer?No, you can not use other offers in conjunction with this discount. 5% maximum discount will apply if you book before June 30th 2022.
What is the pricing for private events?Sip and Paint $40 per person For all other arts and crafts classes we have three tiers of pricing: Bronze $65 per person Silver $75 per person Gold $85 per person If you have your private event in a cafe or restaurant there will be a fee of $20-35 in addition to our fee, per person to cover your meal and drink. If your booking is on a Sunday there is a $50 surcharge to cover staff penalty rates, and depending on your location there may be a travel charge. You can see our private events guide here, please note that the projects are used as a guide we regularly have new options added and some options go out of stock, so please check with your booking agent to confirm what the options are at the time that you book.
How much do I get off the ticket price per person if I book and pay before EOFY?You will get 5% off the tickets only, this will not apply to any travel charges. We will reduce the ticket amounts by 5% to allow your guests or yourself to purchase those tickets at a reduced price until 30th of June 2022 Additional tickets later will be charged the full rate.
What can we do for our private event?You can see our private events guide here, please note that the projects are used as a guide we regularly have new options added and some options go out of stock, so please check with your booking agent to confirm what the options are at the time that you book.
Is there a minimum?Yes, we have a minimum of 10 people that need to book. You can have fewer on the day, but a minimum of 10 tickets must be paid for.
Can I have a custom event with different projects?When it comes to planning something that is a little bit out of the ordinary we can help. From filler entertainment for broader events, multiple piece sittings, team building events through to art retreats, we have something for everyone and can refine our offering to suit your plan and budget! Simply let us know what you are looking for and let us do the rest! We can offer events with up to 3 options using the same technique (example: one resin pour style across 3 projects like a board, clock or coasters). We can also offer stepped events where you do one project followed by another (example: one ink project followed by a resin pour). Ask us for a quote.
No Shows, change of mind, unable to attend your classAll No Shows are charged the full amount without a refund. This is not negotiable and includes calling in sick within 5 working days of the event (please see covid policy for details surrounding covid cases) the only exception is if you have purchased TICKET/DEPOSIT protection which allows you to transfer out of your event without penalty as long as you email before the event starts. Being in the business of events management, we understand the unseen costs of running events at such a low ticket price. When you no show, we have to pay your share of these expenses (regardless of the reason why) these are usually shared across the tickets listed and so we also make a loss on having been unable to sell your seat. These costs include but are not limited to: - Event Marketing (sharing, promoting, time spend listing events, monitoring sales, actively promoting, social media marketing) - Paid Marketing (boosts, printed flyers/posters/advertising boards, paid placements etc) - Event Coordination (collation, venue coordination, communication with venue managers, application of class plans) - Preparation of class packs (packing the kit, sourcing supplies, collections from suppliers, distribution of packs) - Administration (reminders, processing transfers, coordinating private bookings, NDIS invoicing, emails, phone calls, messages) - Event creation (time spend creating the classwork, intellectual property, classwork and flyer creation, graphic design etc) - OH&S (risk assessments, reviewing assessments, chemical registers, policy training staff, ensuring first aid kits are compliant etc) - Staffing (Superannuation, Tax, PAYG, Travel fees, uniforms, training, management, hourly rate between $27-55 per hour) - Public Liability Insurance to 20 Million - Tax (Bookkeeper fees, accounting software fees, tax return fees) - Materials (pre-paying for materials before listing classes, sourcing them the cost of the materials averaging $25pp per class) - Equipment (wear and tear, disposable equipment like cups, sticks gloves, masks, tubs, lids and various other supplies) - Workers Compensation Insurance (maintaining the policy fee, maintaining written policies in line with law changes) - Miscenalious fees (Website hosting, business registration fees, bank fees, fees for payment services, trademark fees etc) - Studio overheads (a completely separate second set of fees not listed above) or venue rental hire fees - Storage facility fees (storage we hire namely shipping containers, to store the materials to allow us to list the class) We will not entertain creative claims to attempt to circumnavigate the policy including but not limited to: - Using emotional blackmail such as claims that you are a single mum and you want your fee refunded, or your friends are part of a booking and you can't attend because you are unwell. Things happen in life and we appreciate that, however, it doesn't negate the loss we make as a result and wont be considered as grounds for a refund. - That you are unwell and can not attend - like the AFL or a Music Festival will not refund you if you can not attend the night of the event, we too will not refund if you can not attend. - That you didn't register your PCR or RAT test - the covid policy is listed on the top of our websites and on the event, the terms are clear and available. - That you forgot to let us know, as responsible adults if we make a mistake, we live with the results. - That money is tight and you want a refund, we appreciate everyone has their own situations, however, it doesn't negate the loss we make as a result. - That it is not fair after the fact. That you now disagree with the terms and conditions of our policy, after agreeing to them in the first instance. The policy is listed on the top of our websites and in the event, the terms are clear and available as responsible adults if we agree to terms and conditions that are clearly made available, unfair is not an argument that negates the loss we make as a result. - Non-payment of invoices will be referred to debt collections within 7 business days, all fees for debt collection will be added to your account and you will be charged a $15 fee for every week your account is outstanding. - A request reported as fraud or not service not supplied through a payment gateway. If you fraudulently report our service as not supplied because you no showed and the payment gateway approves the return of your funds, we will refer you to a debt collector for the remaining funds to be paid, and if they are not paid, we will proceed to lodge a claim against yourself for full payment via the Qld Magistrates court (our claim will also include coverage of the debt collection fees, and any legal fees and application fees associated with the application to the court in order to be paid the fee outstanding). - That we can reuse the materials for someone else - this is not always the case and is irrelevant as the materials represent only one part of the loss we make for your no-show.
Group Booking Terms and Conditions and information about CancellationPlease see terms and conditions here:
If you have Cold and Flu Symptoms / Emergencies (exceptions to refund policy)Current Polcicy - 02/09/2023 - Applies to all tickets purchased from this date Please refer to the no-show policy for further information. If you have purchased TICKET/DEPOSIT protection this allows you to transfer out of your event without penalty as long as you email before the event starts. Updated Policy 01/01/2023 - Applies to all tickets purchased from this date Please refer to the no-show policy for further information. Updated policy 27/06/2022 - Applies to tickets purchased from this date. If you have a cold or flu symptoms, have covid or are a close contact and can not attend your class you will be provided your materials as a do-it-yourself kit to take home and instructions will be emailed to you within 7 days of the date of your class. Credits and refunds do not apply.
Change of mind / class transferCurrent Policy - 02/09/2023 - Applies to all tickets purchased from this date Please refer to the no-show policy for further information. If you have purchased TICKET/DEPOSIT protection this allows you to transfer out of your event without penalty as long as you email before the event starts. Previous Policy The Office of Fairtrade advises that we are not required to offer a credit or refund for change of mind and that transfer fee for such events are legal and can be applied. If you provide us with 5 working days' notice that you can not attend your class we will offer you one of 3 options. If you do not provide 5 days' notice you will forfeit your ticket fee. The option you are offered is at the owner's discretion and will represent the situation as it is - you can not choose which option works for you best, you will be provided with the option that is available to you based on the situation, all options offered to you are above and beyond what we are required to provide under consumer law: You may be offered a transfer into another class to complete the project you originally signed up for. You may be offered a DIY take-home kit of the supplies purchased for you in advance of your class, this will come with written instructions. You may be offered a make up class to complete the project that you booked to compelte using the materials we purchased for you in advance of your class. In all cases, a $10 fee for each ticket will be charged. You can not transfer between regions due to tax reporting obligations between licencees. We can only transfer classes between classes that are in their region. If I am provided a credit that I can use for a class transfer where can I use it? Please see the 'house credit' policy for more information.
Class TransfersIf we agree to transfer your class, we can only transfer it between classes that are in the same region. This is due to tax reporting processes between licencees and administration time. If you purchase your ticket in Brisbane South Region, you will be able to transfer to any class in Brisbane South, if you purchased your ticket in Ipswich region you can transfer to another class in Ipswich, but you can not transfer between Ipswich and Brisbane South (or any other region). Class transfers can be initiated up to 5 business days before the event if you are unable to attend an event. A $10 admin fee applies to each ticket to process the rebooking for you. Less than 5 business days notice will result in you forfeiting your ticket if you can not attend (see class refunds for more information).
Group Booking - Failure to meet minimum of 10If you book a private event, you are required to pay for 10 seats. If you are unable to meet the minimum of 10 people, you as the person who booked the event, are required to pay for the remaining seats regardless. We will not cancel the event and refund tickets, this is consiodered a change of mind under the ACCC, if the event is cancelled outside of 2 weeks notice we are happy to hold your tickets in credit to use at any event in the region your party was booked or transfer the date of the private event to another date. Please read carefully group booking cancellation policy.
Private Events - are they BYO or Licenced?For events held in our studio or a BYO venue, you can bring your own wine. For events held in a licenced venue where wine is included in your ticket it is illegal to consume BYO wine. You can identify if your venue is licenced by the inclusion of wine in your ticket. If we are including wine, your venue is licenced and you can not BYO.
Events postponed or Cancelled by usIf we are required to postpone an event we will offer a new date along with additional options (further dates you can attend) if you are unable to make the date of the new class you agree to a credit. This policy exists and is published because we are required to purchase supplies well in advance of the classes. If the venue cancels (the postponement is not initiated by us) please refer to the FAQ addressing when a venue cancels. Reasons that you may experience a postponement of your class: - Severe Weather or anticipated severe weather - Illness or Injury of a staff member - Emergencies impacting staff that can not be avoided - Emergencies in the community - Societal Lockdowns - Other reasons not listed What will happen if the class is postponed? We will book the replacement date 4-6 weeks from the original date/time and location, including/considering any major events that might impact our clients (Easter/Christmas etc) and reissue tickets that include the following upgrades: - If they are not already, all tickets issued to the new date will automatically be upgraded to premium tickets with all rebooking fees will be waived in full at no cost to the ticket holder. - If there is an alternative class on the same night, guests will also be offered a transfer across to those events to allow them to continue with their planned evening out. - If the class notification happens within 24 hours of the event (emergency notification), we will also offer you a complimentary glass of wine on arrival at the rescheduled event. - Customers may also be offered the alternative of a Do it yourself at home pack which can be collected from the venue the following week (this is strictly subject to the kind of class and the materials and equipment needed and is not possible with all classes). We will reissue tickets to the new event date within 7 business days of the notification of postponement via email - customers are reminded to please check their spam folder after this time if they are unable to locate them in their inbox. What happens if a rebooked class is then cancelled for a second time? The only time this has happened that we are aware of is during the pandemic which is governed by a separate set of rules under the ACCC. However, excluding societal lockdowns if you have decided to attend the new date, and we are required to postpone your event for a second time, we will automatically refund your payments made including ticket fees (in full). Terms and Conditions Customers agree to these terms and conditions at the time of checkout, check out includes a link to the terms and conditions and a box that must be ticketed confirming you have read and understand the conditions, tickets purchases can not proceed without a manual confirmation from the customer opting into said terms. If your event is postponed due to COVID, LOCKDOWNS or EXTREME WEATHER please refer to that policy.
Supplier Product Recall NoticesWe generally order our stock through major brands and in bulk. We do this in an effort to ensure that our supply chains are reliable. Very occasionally we receive a product recall notice. In the event that we receive such a notice, we are obligated to act in the interests of our client's health and wellbeing. This means we will not knowingly proceed with a class if we are aware that there is a recall notice in place. While it happens very infrequently, due to this supply failure we are required to follow a risk assessment to determine if there is a risk to our clients, we will: 1) Contact our supplier to confirm what the recall relates to (damage to boards for example), the risk to our clients and if our batch of stock has been affected by the recall. - If it can clearly be established that our batch has not been affected, the class will proceed. 2) If it can not be clearly established our batch has not been affected, we will conduct a risk assessment. An example of a class that might proceed is when a recall has been made due to seconds making their way into circulation. In this example, a risk assessment would be completed which would include the removal and return of any stock affected. An example of a recall which would see a class postponed would be a manufacturing fault. If we can not proceed with your class due to a supply fault beyond our control, we will postpone your class or seek a substitute that looks the same or similar with the same functionality. If a substitute is provided, you will be given the option to transfer to credit that can be used at any classes in your local region or regions with the same Sip 'n' Dip Licence owner if the board is not to your satisfaction. In all cases, as soon as we are notified and have conducted our due diligence, we will contact you in writing via email to let you know it is the case and to provide you with the appropriate solution. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Stock Shortages / Substitute stock / When our stock orders are postonedWe order stock that is not on hand at the time of event listing for classes. For warehouses local to us, we click and collect for collection on the day of the event. We generally order through major brands in bulk. We do this in an effort to ensure that our supply chains are reliable. Very occasionally our orders are cancelled, damaged, fullfilled before ours, postponed or substituted. While it happens very infrequently, due to supply failure we are required to seek a substitute that looks the same or similar with the same functionality in line with ACCC requirements. This includes when there is a product recall - see product recall policy for more information. Customers agree that the class will proceed with the substitute product. In the event that we are unable to obtain the volume or substitute products we require to run the class, we will postpone the class until after the date that our order is to be delivered. This is very rare and we are almost always able to source a suitable alternative. We appologise for any inconviniance caused.
Store RefundsGenerally speaking, we do not offer refunds. We will gladly replace any item damaged in transit to you, but we do not offer refunds for change of mind. All sales are final. Please see store refund policy for more information.
Events get movedIf we are required to relocate an event, we will ensure that the venue is within a 20 minute drive of the original event based on Google Maps (suburb pin to suburb pin). The menu may be altered and not liking the new menu, is not grounds for a refund, we are required by law to provide you with the same value or higher at the same time or similar to the original. This means we will spend the same or higher on the meal component. Meals may be platters, pizzas or a set menu.
Pandemics, Epidemics, Floods, Fire, Riots, and all other Society Lockdown"If we are required to lockdown for any reason, our lockdown policy comes into place. This policy has been put in place to protect us and our clients and ensure the continuality of business. This policy has been written in conjunction with the ACCC to ensure it meets their policy requirements, is legal and is fair in line with the impacts of covid 19. This policy covers admission to events without administered vaccine. This policy should be applied in conjunction with our refund/transfer policy. The refund/transfer policy applies to the letter in the first instance - but in addition to that policy - this policy comes into place when a society lockdown is required at any level. Note that lockdowns include any period of time that results in restrictions in it's wake in terms of application of the policy. That is to say, if we are required to have restrictions in place after the lifting of the lockdown, that period of time is covered as part of this policy. This policy applies to private events and planned public events and can be located here.
If a venue cancels the eventIf a venue cancels the event, we will attempt to find a new location to proceed with, the menu may change (this is not grounds for a refund), if there is any additional cost, we will cover that additional cost on your behalf. If we are unable to obtain a new venue before the event we will postpone the event, you will be provided with the following choices, refunds are not applicable as the event will go ahead on the reschedulled date: 1) Transfer to the new date 2) a Do it yourself pack, and waived fee for the meal deal component which will be couriered to you with instructions at our expense (note this is not possible for all events, it will depend on the materials and eqiptment needed) 3) Transfer to any other class on our roster If you do not wish to take any of the above options, you agree to a credit (we will waive the $10 rebooking fee in this instance) which you can use across any classes listed in the area at a future date for up to 3 years. Refuds are not applicable for events which are beyond our control, and events will proceed on the rebooked date.
Bad Weather and Resulting Postponed EventsIf we have to cancel an event due to weather we will let you know via email ASAP after we make the call. Please check your spam folder in case you miss the notification. For outdoor events cancelled, we will attempt to book a replacement date then email you to let you know the new date has been booked, this can take up to 7 days to arrange as we need to coordinate with venues, speakers, teachers and caterers. If you can not make that date, we will offer a credit transfer to any class of your choosing. We do not refund for bad weather. If we are required to pay a non-refundable fee to the venue a fee, for example, to cover catering, this portion of the ticket is non-refundable and will not be transferred. Customers can, however, take it up directly with the venue if they feel it should be refunded.
Late Arrivals to WorkshopsPlease be advised you are obligated to arrive at the designated times listed on your ticket. Our classes are carefully timed, this includes the venue's staffing to accommodate meals and our timing for delivering the class. If you arrive late and miss the meal portion of the evening you forfeit your meal and will not be compensated for it. The class can not be held up for one person as it causes complaints. This means you will not be provided with the meal and you will not be refunded for your meal - but you can attend the art class portion of the evening.
Class photo's and photos taken while the class is in sessionWe take images during our classes to advertise our events and promote them. Our teachers will always respect the decision of the attendee to be included or excluded from these images. They need simply mention it to their teacher. These images remain the property of Sip 'n' Dip Australia Pty Ltd and we use them on social media, print material and a variety of customer touchpoints. Images taken in our classes by students are welcome to be shared. We remind clients that these images depict our intellectual property and ask that they not be used in advertising for competitors.
Changes of client circumstancesChange of circumstances - we will not refund for the customer's change of personal circumstances. If you provide us 48 hours' notice we will offer a credit.
When is a booking confirmedWhen you confirm you would like to proceed with a private event OR when you recieve an emailed notification or receipt from Sip 'n' Dip OR when you get a notice of rebooking for your event.
Art Results - Expectations for artwork created in classEvery reasonable effort is made to provide a holistic experiance in our classes. Students share a teacher and are required to listen carefully and follow the steps instructed to create a piece of art that resembles the advertised piece. Class sizes can vary from 4 people to 40 people and our classes are beginner classes. We will teach the advertised class (the calss in the photo on the event) and the technique used to create that piece. Occasionally things can go wrong, Sip 'n' Dip dose not take responsibility for the outcome of the customers work. This includes: - If customers do not take due care to ensure they do not glue closed (by way of curing resin) parts of their work that are functional in nature and as a result stop their artwork from functioning. - If customers do not follow the care instructions for their piece and disrupt the artwork created. - If customers do not follow the teachers instructions and as a result their resin dosent cure as a result of undermixing, or oversaturation of colour pigment in their resin. - If customers are not happy that their artwork has moved (the nature of resin and pour paint is that it is fluid and as fluid art it is expected that it can move significantly up to 1.5 inches between the pour and the cure. - If repelling occures on their boards due to oils not sufficiantly being removed before the pour. - If customers damage their artwork on their way home from class. - If customers simply are dissapointed they did not do as well as they would have hoped, or achived what they hoped they would in their first sitting. - If they had a specific design they wanted that was not advertised, and their resulting artwork isn't what they hoped for. We do not take responsibility of the student dosent follow the instruction and the resulting artwork is as a result not functional. Connected to every event listed on our line up is a resin informations statement, this is transparently advertised to help customers prepare for their resin classes, it lists all the information you need to know (including tips and tricks for avoiding common resin mistakes) along with safety infromation in one place. Customers agree at the time of purchase of their ticket that Sip 'n' Dip provides the materials, equiptment and guidance but the resulting outcome of their class is 100% their responsibility.
I left my work but its not there on collection?Sip 'n' Dip makes every effort to support clients by allowing them to leave their work behind in some venues. This can be for a variety of reasons, from convienance to need to allow it to cure overnight depending on the class. Once our teachers leave the venue, we take no further responsibilty for the item as we are unable to secure them. We recommend you return to the venue right on their advertised opening time, so you can collect your work knowing that it was secure overnight, and therefore secure until the following morning. In the event that your work is not there on your arrival back to the venue we will: - Review the class photos and video footage from the venue to identify who has taken your work / work out if it was an error in collection and arrange for them to return it - Reach out via SMS and via email, asking for all attendees to provide a photograph of the piece they collected so we can visually identify whom took it in error In the event that we can not locate it, we will collate the customer list for all attendees, and initiate a police report on your behalf with the Queensland Police Service and provide the officers (in addition to the above) the below information: - A list of clients who refused to comply with the request for photo confirmation of what they collected - The photos that the teacher took before class of each piece of named artwork to show ownership of the piece - Any photos the venue took of the class which can be used to marry up the ownership of the piece Charges will be pressed and anyone who has not complied with the request for confirmation of the piece collected will be investigated until the piece is located. If work is not there on the customers return, it will be treated as stolen - this is not a issue with Sip 'n' Dip, this is a police issue and refunds will not apply. Due process will be required to be followed in the same way as it would if your handbag was stolen on the evening.
Events with hired entertainment - when they cancelIf we are playing host to an event whereby we have engaged entertainment or an entertainer and they cancel, as soon as we are aware of the cancellation promotions for the event will cease. We will attempt to engage entertainment or an entertainer that are similar and provide the same standard and quality of entertainment advertised. If we are able to engage replacement entertainment or an entertainer any additional charges incured will be absorbed by Sip 'n' Dip and will not be passed to the clients in attendance. If we have tried all avenues and are unable to find a replacement, we will rebook the event for 4-6 weeks time on the same day of the week and time of the week at the same location, allowing time for customers to make the required arrangements to attend the event. If customers are unable to attend on the replacement date, a credit will be issued with an expiry date of 12 months. Refunds do not apply.
Events with a specific listed teacher - When they are sickIf we have promoted a specific teacher as running an event, it is our intention that the teacher listed will teach the class. However, we are living in a world where COVID 19 exists and regulations exist. These directives may mean that the teacher listed for the event is prohibited from attending (be this because they are sick, have shown symptoms of covid 19, or are in Isolation or quarenteen). In all cases we are required to adhere to the government directives. We will attempt to engage a teacher of the same or similar skill set that can provide the same standard and quality of class advertised. If we are able to engage replacement teacher any additional charges incured will be absorbed by Sip 'n' Dip and will not be passed to the clients in attendance. If we have tried all avenues and are unable to find a replacement, we will rebook the event for 4-6 weeks time on the same day of the week and time of the week at the same location, allowing time for customers to make the required arrangements to attend the event. If customers are unable to attend on the replacement date, a credit will be issued with an expiry date of 12 months. Refunds do not apply.
Intellectual PropertyClasses are intended for personal use only. Sip 'n' Dip Australia Pty Ltd owns the rights and intellectual property to any and all classes delivered throughout our network of providers. Any reproduction of our classwork in any form for monetary benefit is a breach of our copyright and action will be taken to recuperate monies owed from revenue created from this Intelectual Property. Clients are warmly welcome to use the skills they learn in class in any form they choose, however those who chose to replicate our classes or that we can reasonably prove are using our step by step instructions, class plans or materials (including the use of images taken during classes to advertise competitor offerings) will be persecuted. See our full policy here.
What if I disliked my meal or the class?You are not entitled to a refund if: You did not enjoy your class You did not enjoy your meal You booked without clarifying diatry requirements in advance You just didnt likle your teacher You fluid art dose not behave as expected You are unhappy with the finished product of your cklass
NDIS InvoicingWhen a customer initiates an invoice request booking via the NDIS booking from the following terms and conditions apply, some of which are outlined on the booking form and linked to this condition listing. As with all manual requests for tickets across all events at Sip 'n' Dip manual invoice requests attract a $10 booking fee, this applies to NDIS invoice requests also and offsets the administration time in issuing the invoice, monitoring and follow up of payment and issuing of tickets. This is payable as soon as you request the invoice and is required to be paid under any and all circumstances including if you can no longer attend your event, you decide not to attend, you do not request to cancel your booking or your plan manager rejects your booking. It is the NDIS participant's responsibility to ensure that the invoice is paid before the event and to follow up the request with their plan manager, any and all costs associated with the booking as a result of the customer's action or inaction will remain the responsibility of the NDIS participant. NDIS bookings are subject to the same terms and conditions as all bookings, this includes being charged the full fee for no-shows if you do not advise us to cancel your invoice request, if you change your mind. Once the invoice has been issued this confirms your booking and holds your ticket. Please note the structure of NDIS invoices. Our classes run for 4 hours, your invoice will therefore show 4 'items' which are priced at the full cost of your ticket divided by 4 hours to show the hourly rate. Tickets include a booking fee to the venue, this fee is $25. This fee can be exchanged for a complimentary meal and drink, but is payable on all events regardless of if the customer decides to take the complimentary meal deal or they choose not to - this fee is not optional and is part of the price of the ticket. If you no show for your event, the venue will request the booking fee to be remitted and paid on your behalf regardless, if this happens we will invoice you for that fee. Whilst we are GST registered the ATO has a determination in place which means GST will not appear on your invoice as part of their 'GST Free Heath Service' you can read more about that here. Support workers can attend to support, but a venue booking fee is required to be paid. Support workers can swap that fee for a complimentary meal and drink also. Sip 'n' Dip is not a registered NDIS provider, self and plan-managed clients can access our services, all invoices must be paid in full before the event or a $5 late fee will be applied to your account, your account in full will remain payable under any and all circumstances such as the standard terms and conditions for all clients who access the services of sip 'n' dip. Sip 'n' Dip does not have access to any records to check the legitimacy of participant claims against their plan, therefore it is the participant's responsibility to check they are entitled to claim it before making the request as any and all fees requested on the invoice remain payable from the time of the request. Non-payment of your invoice will result in cancellation of your booking, payment for the fee will remain outstanding to cover the tickets held on behalf of the particpant and the losses made for being unable to onsell that ticket and that fee is therefore required to be settled as it is for any other client with sip 'n' dip. Cancellation of your ticket does not omit the requirement for payment. Sip 'n' Dip requires all NDIS participants to agree to these terms and conditions in full at the time of their invoice request and require a signed agreement to proceed with invoices, this is done at the time of submission of the invoice request form. Plan managers can request a copy of the submitted form and subsequent agreement of the terms and conditions listed therein at any time, these are kept on file indefinitely for each invoice request received.
Bringing kids & babies to classesHere at Sip ’n’ Dip our events are inclusive but as a business we are also responsible for the safety of our clients. We don’t allow infants and toddlers to attend classes if their caregiver is attending (unless it is a specifically advertised mum’s and bub's event OR a kids event). Children and Teens are welcome at our evening classes if they are paid ticket holders. There are reasonable reasons why we don’t invite infants and toddlers (of children/teens which are not paid ticket holders) to our evening events. These are not because we are not inclusive - but because we care about the safety of our patrons and have a duty of care. The biggest contributing factor is that the majority of events use resin or alcohol ink, resin and alcohol ink is not safe around infants or very young children. For more information on resin please read our resin disclosure statement that outlines in detail information about the risks associated with its use, and appropriate PPE. We have completed a Risk Assessment for each scenario and in all cases it has been deemed too much of a risk for very young children, if we proceed we risk fines. Beyond this, our classes are timed and structured, on the few occasions where patrons have ignored our policy and proceeded to bring their infants they have been unable to complete their work in the time required by the chemicals and ruined their work. This is disappointing for all involved and unavoidable as caregivers need to respond to the needs of their infant/child. Beyond this we have also had teachers need to step in and child mind while teaching classes because its simply not safe for mothers to be tending to their babies (which inevitably happens) with gloves covered in resin. In addition to this, venues are presently capped and they are required to adhere to COVID spacing requirements - which restricts full ticket sales. Whilst this is not a key driving factor because we allow carers to attend with their NDIS participants which also contributes to our Covid numbers, but it is something to be aware of. We run very low cost art class evenings and rely on numbers to make them profitable. If we have 3-4 mums in attendance with their kids, the classes become unviable to run. Comparably we usually get 1 or 2 NDIS participants in any class. Note that we allow children if they are paid ticket holders. We introduced this policy off the back complaints that came after the majority of classes where kids attended (note this was pre Covid). After dealing with complaints each week due to the disruption caused to other participants, we introduced this policy. If a child is a paid ticket holder, they have the right to be there and attend the class. Beyond this, if they are a paid ticket holder, the parent is also required to read and agree to our resin disclosure statement which outlines that they are required to supervise their child while using resin, read the disclosure and make an informed decision as to the suitability of the project and use of chemicals by their children. We also run mums and bubs classes at our studio to encourage positive mental health and provide a space for mothers to attend our classes and be able to bring their child/children. We hope that our customers understand that our decision is not driven by a lack of inclusivity, but common sense, personal responsibility and duty of care for our clients and above all their safety.
Subscription to our websiteAny contact with our website automatically subscribes you to our database this includes: - Contact forms - Purchases from our online store - Event bookings - Subscriping manually - Website subscribers You can unsubscribe at the bottom of any email sent from our website, but also by logging onto our website and unticking the subscriber tick which will mark you as not wanting emails sent from our website to you. Note that our database extends across all sip n dip websites - if you wish to subscribe to some and not all you can control your subscription via the profile on the applicable website.
Do you have afterpay?No but we we have Laybuy :-) It works the same way.
Damage to the venue / excessive cleaningWe operate art classes predominantly in venues which we do not own. We allow time for our teachers to clean reasonable amount of mess this includes wiping down tables and chairs, and removing rubbish from tables. If an unreasonable amount of mess us left behind, or damage happens, we will charge fee to clean or repair it. If we are able to clean it on your behalf it will be a minimum of $50, if we require a contractor to come in the fee will start at $150. Examples of reasonable mess are above, an example of unreasnable mess is (but is not limited to) wiping your hands onto furniture in the venue with product on them, or leaving your rubbish on the floor or seats. This is not negotiable and you will be invoiced after the event, please treat our venues with the same respect you would treat your home.
Can I use my credit with a discount code?No, credits can not be used as part of a sale running as they require us to process the request manually. Manual transactions incurs a fee of $10. You can not use a credit as part of any promotion, coupon or discount code running at Sip 'n' Dip.
Is there a fee to process a credit?Yes, there is a $10 charge per ticket issued manually using the credit. This is to cover the administration time. If you cancel your tickets again, you will be charged a further $10 per ticket to reissue them the next time you use your credit.
Where can I use my credit?You can use your credit on the sip n dip website where your original ticket was purchased. Note that the website where your ticket may display contractor classes and special events, credits can not be used for those classes, please enquire with the owner of the sip n dip region to find out which classes you can choose from. Credits can not be used across regions - if you purchased your original ticket in one region it must be used in that region.
Where can I use my credit if there are no classes in my area?Sip 'n' Dip is a fully mobile art class supplier. Our network of classes expands and contracts on a seasonal basis. Credits can be used anywhere across our class network, however we do not promise that this will be at the venue where you got your credit as we change venues regularly. Customers agree at the time of requesting a credit, that they will choose from available art classes. If at a later date you there are no classes you would like to attend in our line up, or you would prefer not to travel to attend ones that are listed outside your area, you are welcome to request a DIY pack for the class you originally purchased a ticket for. There is a fee of $20 to assemble this for you, and you will need to provide your address for a postage quote for delivery to your home. You can also request a gift card to be issued using your credit, which you can gift at a time of your choosing. It can also be put towards our online store in need. Refunds however do not apply just because there are no classes in your area, our business has no studios and classes are and will continue to be mobile moving between cities, regions, areas and venues.
Things that will stop your resin from setting or cause problems with your cureYou will not get a cure if you: Stir copious amounts of bubbles into your resin (go slow once they are in we can't get them out) if you have very large bubbles and can't see them to pop them before they cure, they will result in pockmarks on the surface that are very large. Inaccurately measure and mix your resin (take time to get this right - or you will have a sticky result that won't set) Inaccurately mix your colour pigment into your resin (make sure it's mixed thoroughly or you will get sticky patches after cure) Add more than 10% colour pigment (this will change the ratio and your board won't set) Don't mix the chemicals properly - be sure to spend time scraping the edges and bottom as you go (unmixed resin will stay sticky and not cure) Touch the surface of your work with your hands - oils repel the resin and so you will end up with clean fingerprints left if you touch the surface without cleaning the oils away Your teacher will mention all this in class and walk you through it, but please be aware going in that paying attention is the best way to get a proper cure and we charge an hourly rate to correct work for customers who do not follow the instructions provided. Please read the FAQ's for more tips and tricks.
How to look after your resin cheeseboard? Is it food safe?Your board is designed to be aesthetically beautiful, we place the art to one end of the board so that you can enjoy all matter of food on the majority of the board. Is resin food grade? That’s a great question and as there is a great deal of misinformation around about resin, so let me explore thoroughly the various points that have been raised with us personally over the years so you can make an educated decision for yourself. Firstly, Epoxy Resin, generally speaking, is completely cured at 7 days (when mixed & measured correctly, and allowed to cure in appropriate conditions), which means it is stable and inert (inert meaning it can not harbour bacteria)- and in turn complies with FDA regulations. When we run classes where the intention is for direct food contact we seal any pigmented layers inside a clear coat to ensure anything that isn’t food safe is encapsulated in something that is. The first issue we bump into is if your resin is not cured properly. When’s class is designed for food, we pre-measure resin for students to ensure the amount you use is correct for curing, supervise the class by checking on your mix, colour application etc and provide post-production information to ensure the resin is cured properly from all our classes. We do this because the uncured resin can leech, which is why we have these engineering controls in place to ensure students that leave our classes do not have uncured resin on projects designed for food. Next is the issue of chemical toxicity. Epoxy resin is two liquid components that are each made from chemicals, these chemicals are by definition toxic; then mixed together to create a completely new solid substance which is absent most of the initial liquid formula compounds - after a full cure. As there are many different types of epoxy resin in the market and many of these are not manufactured or produced in Australia to Australia’s standards. Before choosing Just Resin’s Art Resin for functional homewares in our classes we made sure to check it is low or no VOCs (Just Resin Art Resin’s SDS reads specifically ‘low to no VOC’) and to choose an Australian-based manufacturer subject to Australian safety laws. This also means all of the compounds used to manufacture the resin have to be listed in the SDS (this is not the case for resins made outside of Australia) and therefore by forced disclosure can be checked by users for safety. Almost all epoxy systems are made incorporating bisphenol A (BPA) which is another reason people question food safety. When people speak about epoxy leeching into food this is what they are referring to. That said Bisphenol A (BPA) is an extraordinarily well-studied, building-block chemical used primarily to manufacture durable epoxy resins and strong, clear polycarbonate plastic. BPA is not found in all plastic but it is found in many. Often found in plastics made from Polycarbonate (PC) resin and some epoxy systems. Fortunately in many modern epoxy systems the BPA is fully reacted in the process of curing the epoxy resin, which means that only trace amounts are left over after the manufacturing process. These trace amounts are so infinitesimally low that the resin is deemed food safe by the FDA. Just resin’s art resin is not a commercial resin designed for boats/bench tops or industrial purposes, it is a domestic resin designed for many uses, and of them food safe functional art. When products are marketed as 'BPA-free', this designation refers to whether the hardener component (we are talking about the materials used to make the product before it is made) contains BPA - not the resin. So as noted above ‘reacted’ epoxy resin is considered BPA-free as long as there's no free BPA. Free BPA means the product does not contain the chemical BPA, which is used as an accelerator to help the amine hardeners cure the resin. It’s important to note at this point that for this reason epoxy resins are widely used to coat the inside of metal products, such as food cans, bottle tops, water supply lines (and a great many other products we use daily) even found in some dental sealants and composites. Note also that the BPA used in most epoxy resins is a bit different. BPA is most often combined with another chemical, epichlorohydrin, creating Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (also known as BADGE) which is a completely different molecule with its own unique properties, and not just a mix of BPA + epichlorohydrin. It is considerably less harmful than pure BPA, and 42 times less soluble in water which is likely why the FDA considers it food safe. Next up, we the issue of epoxy being used as a base for cutting food. This certainly can be considered a food safety issue IF it is if it’s used specifically to cut on. For classes where it is not designed to be cut on this point is irrelevant, for board classes disclosure is made in class that the resin is to be treated as art and decorative leaving the majority of thr board functional. As noted once resin is cured properly it becomes a new plastic and is inert which means it does see not harbour bacteria, but once it has been cut on this changes (meaning Bactria can get into it). Over time can collect bacteria hiding under the deep scratches and cuts on a cutting board from your knives, even if cleaned thoroughly. Epoxy can also break down over time with knife use and also chip and splinter when used for heavy cutting surface justifying our engineering controls in this space. Finally Tests on laboratory animals showed that older epoxy resins caused skin cancer. It is, most likely, due to in high volumes as it is deemed carcinogenic. This means it probably causes cancer in humans as well. However, many newer epoxy resins contain less epichlorohydrin, some contain none. Fortunately, the resin we use contains none of this. You can determine if you resin contains it by visiting the SDS and locating the CAS number. The CAS number for epichlorohydrin is 99 106-89-8. You can find the safety data sheets for the resins we use on thr footer of our website located at There are a few rules to consider when caring for your board: Do not: Apply heat to your resin (it will melt) - our resin can withstand a hot coffee cup 14 days after cure. Leave it in the sun full-time (it will turn yellow eventually if left consistently exposed to UV light) Stack things on top of it (it may leave dimples in your surface eventually) Cut on your resin (it's not a chopping board its art, using a knife will leave marks) You may use a non-serrated cheese knift Do: Wash with warm lightly soapy water, rinse and dry Air dry Hang your board for all to see and admire Oil your board from time to time to keep it looking beautiful
How do I remove resin drips from my artwork after class?Resin is a liquid that over the course of a couple of weeks goes from liquid to solid as a result of a chemical reaction (and the heat achieved through that). In many of our classes you will pour resin over a board, we encorage you to wipe the board a few times at hope to remove any drips. If you find you have drips in the morning, please follow the instructions on this link to review options for removal: If you plan to sand your board, you must wait 7 days before doing so as the chemicals are still active and if reduced to a fine powder (by sanding) can be inhaled. This is toxic.
What is Resin Art?Resin Art is a form of Art. To create your own Resin Art, you combine any of our Resins, such as DiamondCote, JR Art Resin or ArtCast, and any of our pigments together. Resin Art can be wall art, home decor pieces, or objects created by casting Resin - The options are limitless, and whatever your imagination desires.
Which is the best resin for a river table?For this application, we suggest Just Resin ArtCast Slow Set. Pours for ArtCast Slow can be up to 20mm deep (depending on surface area, and ambient temperature). Multiple pours can be done, to reach overall depth. For deep pours, we suggest to work in a cool environment (under 22 degrees) And then a final flood coat in between 22 and 25 degrees - ideal ambient temperature. You may flood coat with DiamondCote for a high gloss finish. Or coat with ArtCast Slow, sand & polish for a satin finish. All depending on the finish you would like!
Which Just Resin, resin, is best suited to you and your application?"Click here to learn about Just Resin Epoxy Resins, their Project Compatibility chart is a very helpful tool!
Which is the best Just Resin, resin, for coasters?"All our epoxies are suitable for coasters, and can withstand a standard coffee cup – allowing approx 14days to cure prior to placing items on top of the surface. For casting solid resin coasters, we suggest our ArtCast Slow Set epoxy. If you’re coating mdf coasters, we suggest our DiamondCote Epoxy, or our Art Resin. More detailed info on our resins and project compatibility can be found here -
Can I place food on the resin section of my project?Epoxy Resin generally speaking, is completely cured at 7days (when mixed & measured correctly, and allowed to cure in appropriate conditions), which means it is stable and inert - and in-turn complies with FDA regulations. FDA regulations for cured epoxy resin and food contact, generally refers to indirect contact. The above is relevant when there are no pigments added, so a clear coat may be required over your pigmented layer. To our knowledge, there is no FDA certification for Epoxy Resin & Food Safety.
Do you have a colour guide for the pigments you use?Yes, we certainly do! There is even a 'Print & Tick' version you can download and pin to your studio wall - you can find it here.
Why is my casting soft and malleable after it has cured?When measuring Casting Resin, if you find once resin is cured, the resin is still soft and malleable, this is the outcome of having too much hardener
What can I colour/tint my resin with?Various types of pigment pastes, inks, powder pigments and even acrylic paint. Suggest to stay below the ratio of 10% (tint to resin) for best results. Be sure to add a little bit at a time, until you reach your desired colour. *Making note that some acrylic paints or pigment additives may not be compatible and may accelerate curing due to high water content
Where can I install my Resin Art Project?We suggest to install indoors, out of direct sunlight, and not in damp areas
Why dose my casting have wet/uncured resin on the bottom?When measuring Casting Resin, if you find the casting is curing hard but has wet tacky spots usually on bottom, this is the outcome of not enough hardener
How can I calculate the amount of Just Resin Art Resin I need?The JR Art Resin Calculator is very handy to guide you with the amount of resin required for your pours.
Can I turn my Just Resin, Casting Resin, on a lathe?"Yes, absolutely! We do suggest to allow a 7day cure prior to turning and or sanding
How do I care for my resin art work?Dust with a soft feather duster or soft cloth - avoid detergents
Can I sand my casting resins?Yes, all of our resins can be sanded back, and then polished - with finishing & polishing compounds. Micro mesh is great too.
How should I mix/stir my resin?We suggest you measure your Part A, add your pigments and mix until you reach your desired tone and then stir through your Part B - making sure the overall cup is mixed thoroughly and you have a 1 even tone throughout, paying attention to the sides and bottom of the cup - mixing for approx. 3mins each cup. The reason why we recommend this, is as soon as you add your Part B, your cure time begins! Leaving you with less time to actually enjoy pouring
Just Resin ArtCast Fast Set is a 5:1 , how do I measure this?"Easy! For a total of 600mls required, you measure 500mls Part A (Resin) and add 100mls Part B (Hardener)
How do I prep my art Boards before creatimng my artwork?Two coats of Gesso and allow to completely dry. A cheaper alternative is to use 2 coats of a 2/3 in 1 primer.
Just Resin ArtCast Slow Set is a 3:1 Resin, how do I measure this?"Easy! For a total of 400mls required, you measure 300mls Part A (Resin) and add 100mls Part B (Hardener).
Which is the best tape to use with resin?We find 3M blue painters tape to be of great assistance when taping up edges and/or underneath the artwork
Why has part A gone cloudy in the bottle?This can occur when the Resin is exposed to cold temperatures, even during transit, it can also vary by batch. You can fix this by placing some hot water in a bucket. Place the closed bottles into the bucket, keeping the lid on, and lid above the water - ensuring water does not leak in. Leave for approx 10 minutes, dry, give a good shake, and allow for the resin to return back to normal room temperature prior to use. In a class situation, you will often find the heat from the chemicals meeting will remove the cloudy appearance.
Whats viscosity mean?Viscosity refers to the thickness of the product - low meaning thinner (ie. water), and high meaning thicker (ie. honey)
Whats HV mean?HV is short for High Viscosity
Why are my Epoxy pastes solid / hard / crumbly?Our pastes are very highly pigmented, which can cause some pigments to solidify during cool temps - good thing is, they can be returned to a smooth consistency. Placing them in a hot bath will liquefy the entire jar within 10-20mins (depending on the temperature of your hot water from the tap), once the paste returns liquid, you can add some more Part A (only) to the tub, and this will stretch out the pigment loading - which should help it from returning back to solid. An alternative for using them on the run is to grab your torch or heat gun, or even a hairdryer, remove the lid of the jar, and gently wave the heat over the top of the jar for only a couple of seconds - do not hold the heat too close. The top layer will liquefy instantly for you, making it ready to use right away.
Whats LV mean?LV is short for Low Viscosity
I have leftover Resin or hardner - why?We realise that it's hard to extract every last drop from the bottles, and due to this, we take it in our stride to provide you with up to 10% more of Part A up to 5% more of Part B, although it could be more
Why do some ArtCast bottles arrive not completley full?When purchasing ArtCast, the bottles may arrive not full, and details can be found on the product description. To keep costs down, we have set size bottles available to us, and they are filled accordingly to the kit purchased. For a 400ml ArtCast Slow Kit > Part A : 300mls (in a 500ml bottle) Part B : 100mls (in a 250ml bottle) Total kit : 400mls You may weigh the bottles to double check, if any further issues, please let us know :)
My resin went hard in the cup, why?"1. More than 10% ink/pigment/acrylic paint to Resin ratio used *Making note that some acrylic paints or pigment additives may not be compatible and may accelerate curing due to high water content 2. Too much Part B, measuring is to be precise 3. Room being too warm, 22-25degrees is ideal 4. Leaving mixed Resin in a confined space (eg cup, jug) will accelerate curing and could encounter aggressive exothermic reaction
Where is Just Resin, resins, made?"Our Resins are Proudly Made in Australia
What can you I use to tint my resin?Various types of pigment pastes, inks, powder pigments and even acrylic paint. Suggest to stay below the ratio of 10% (tint to resin) for best results. Be sure to add a little bit at a time, until you reach your desired opacity. *Making note that some acrylic paints or pigment additives may not be compatible with the resin you are working with, and may accelerate curing.
What is the ideal temperature to pour resin (ambiant temp)?Between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius
Are both resin and hardner in the kit?Most certainly! You receive Resin (Part A) + Hardener (Part B) the combined volume = the kit volume
What else can I use pigment paste for?Pigment pastes are designed to be used with epoxy resins.
How long should I wait before sanding my resin project?You must wait for a full cure allowing approx. 7days, prior to sanding.
When packaging my artwork for shipping should I use bubble wrap?We recommend not to use bubble wrap as the first layer, as it may leave marks/indentations in your artwork. Best to use a flat foam of approx. 2mm thickness, wrap the piece with the foam, and then wrap with bubble wrap. Depending on the size of your artwork, you may be able to purchase cartons online or you can always makeshift a box! Use lots of filament tape & fragile tape too.
How long should I wait to pack and send my resin art?We suggest allowing a full cure of approx. 7days, prior to packing and shipping
Can I add water to my Resin as I do with Flow/pouring medium?No! Water & Resin are not friends
Can I add second, third and forth layers on my resin art?"Of course, you can! Sanding is not required either. Your next layer may be a clear, a transparent layer, a clear & pigmented layer or a complete pigmented layer (in case you didn't like your first layer) - options are up to your imagination!
Do I need to / can I torch resin?yes you can but please refer to the SDS before doing so. Approproate PPE gear should be used, torching resin wilkl increase the release of toxic vapour. With approproate PPE and ventilation, you can use a torch or heat gun to remove micro air bubbles and pin point areas for movement - be sure not to burn the Resin!! We suggest to gently heat in continuous sweeping motions, keeping in mind to not be too close or hold in one spot for too long
Why is my artwork still sticky / tacky adfter 24 hours?This is generally the result of room temp not ideal, incorrect Resin mixing or mis-measuring, too much tint (eg. over the 10% tint to resin threshold) incorporated with your resin, tint being in-compatible with the Resin - Or adding anything out of the ordinary, outside pigments designed for use with resin. Be sure to mix your Resin thoroughly, until you have a clear consistency throughout, no stringy bits at all & paying attention to the sides & bottom of the cup! Your teacher is there to guide you, but is teaching a class group so responsibility ultimately lands with the user.
I have pitting and dimples in my work and/or my resin has pulled away in areas of my work - why?As you become better at using Epoxy resin, your experience will show in the quality of your pours. We do not take any responsibility for your boards beyond the class setting. If you choose to leave your work overnight at a venue you take full responsibility and understand that your board may be moved and a perfect level may not be achieved. There are many variables that need to align in order to get a perfect pour. Pitting and Dimples This can often be because of a few reasons, over torching your resin, pouring an accelerating or overheated resin, if the resin is poured too thin in one area or because you have not wiped off any oils that may be present on the board from manufacturing processes. It can also happen if you try too many times to pop bubbles using iso spray. Dimples filled with 'paint' If you notice that you have achieved a perfect pour aside from small pockets of soft coloured resin, this means you have not mixed your pigment in thoroughly. Bendy Resin This generally indicates too much hardener in your resin mix. Resin is repelling This will often become present if you have over torched your board, if there are oils present on the board or if you have not leveled your board perfectly before it cures.
Will humidity affect the finish of Resin art during curing?Yes, high humidity can affect the finish the , we recommend to pour during temperatures between 22-25 degrees Celsius and not whilst high humidity is being experienced for optimum results. As epoxy cures in contact with moisture, a greasy or waxy film known as amine blush is produced. This film is created on the surface of the cured epoxy. Its appearance alters depending on the amount of moisture in the air, but it's usually more noticeable in cool, moist conditions. Milder versions of a blush may look more like small dimples or spots, or a surface that has a strange surface look and feel.
What steps should I take to clear resin coats my acrylic pours?For clear coats over acrylic pours, here are steps that may assist: 1. Allow the acrylic pour to dry for at least 1 week, usually 2-4 as it must be completely dry 2. If silicone, or silicone like substances have been used, clean away the silicone thoroughly with isopropyl alcohol and a cloth (test in a small section to ensure it does not ruin the painting) - allow to dry 3. Use a spray varnish or mod podge to seal the acrylic pour, and allow to completely dry 4. Pour the clear coat, gently heat, allow to cure (7days for a full cure). Note - Taping up edges for clear coats can assist, and remove the tape when the resin becomes tacky, usually at approx. the 40min mark however this does depend on ambient temperature and viscosity of the resin.
Can I leave my work at the venue?In almost all venues you are required to take your work with you on the evening after your class concludes. We recommend that you travel to your classes via taxi or UBER to allow you to use two hands to carry your work home and keep it level during that trip. For liquid work, your work will move by approximately 1.5 inches between arriving at class, and when you get it home. This is to be expected as you are working with a fluid medium, even if you are allowed to leave your work overnight, you must still be of the understanding that it will 100% move between when you leave it and when you see it next. Once you level it out at home, it will continue to move for some time until it is cured. Please be advised this is completely expected and we will not compensate clients if their work moves. You are working with a fluid medium, in that same way as you have very little control over the resulting artwork, you have the same level of control over the settling of your resin. We recommend plastic tablecloths for your lap and to travel home from the venue holding your artwork and taking extreme care to keep it level while you do.
When Can I collect my board from the studio?At the studio, your board will be left with us on the night, by morning they will be hard enough to travel with but it will be another 7 days before they can be sanded and finished for you. Your board/s will be food-grade cured within 7 days (depending on humidity and heat) we can not sand them before that point is achieved as the chemical compounds remain active and toxic and can be inhaled. If you return early and decide to sand your own PLEASE DO NOT do so before the 7-day cure has been achieved. Once boards are ready to be collected you will be emailed a notification, please check your spam folder. In cafes, we use tape to protect the rear of your board - you will need to remove that tape as soon as possible after class to remove the drips.
Are there terms and conditions associated with gift card use?Yes, you can find them here: Purchases are final - we will not refund for change of mind. Please read before you purchase. Gift cards are non-transferrable. Gift cards are not redeemable for cash Gift cards purchased from can only be used for product purchases via the online store located at Gift cards can only be used for the deposit portion of an event, your gift card can not be used to pay for the meal and drink component or any component due on the day. Gift cards can be used to fund any event including private events. Gift cards are valid for 3 years from the date of purchase in line with consumer law requirements. Tickets purchased with gift cards are subject to the same terms and conditions of our ticket sales, if you no-show for your event you will forfeit your purchase. Sip 'n' Dip Australia is a mobile business that functions within South East Queensland, we do not have one firm location and move from Venue to Venue. Gift cards therefore can be used for the deposit of the class ticket at any of these venues. We span from Noosa to Northern NSW and as far out as Warwick/Toowoomba. Our relocation from venues or non-continuation of classes in any particular area mentioned above is not grounds for a refund, customers agree that the purchase of the gift card can be used at any venue and is not exclusive to what was most convenient at the time of sale. You can not use gift cards to fund a contractor class, contractor classes have the words contractor class used in the event listing to clearly distinguish if it is a sip n dip in-house event, or if we are bringing a contractor in. If you purchase a gift card with us, you must use it at our classes (the vast majority of those listed) Each sip n dip business is independently owned, you can only use your gift card to purchase products from the website where you purchased your gift card i.e. if you purchased your gift card from you can only use your gift card for products listed on this website (not any other sip n dip business) some exclusions apply to see below for details. A processing fee of $10 per ticket will be applied if we are required to reissue gift cards or process manual transactions beyond the automated system provided. To use your gift card you will need to complete this form and submit with it a copy of your gift card, these will be emailed to you within 7 business days.
KAITLYN WILLIAMS - Sip 'n' Dip Brisbane South, Bayside and Logan.Sip 'n' Dip Brisbane South, Bayside and Logan Owner: Kaitlyn Williams p. 0411 374 531 (calls only) e. Facebook group Brisbane South Instagram Brisbane Sth (Including direct messages) w. Linked In
DESIREE BEDIA - Sip 'n' Dip Gold Coast & Northern NSWSip 'n' Dip Gold Coast & Northern NSW Owner: Desiree Bedia p. 0403 682 227 e. w. Facebook Group | Instagram | Linked In
ANNA DWAN & ZEKE FORTUNE - Sip 'n' Dip KENMORE + FORTITUDE VALLEYSip 'n' Dip Kenmore & Fortitude Valley Owner: Anna Dwan and Zeke Fortune p. 0474 847 808 e. w. Facebook Group | Instagram | Linked In
KAITLYN WILLIAMS - Sip 'n' Dip Ipswich and The Scenic RimSip 'n' Dip Ipswich Owner: Kaitlyn Williams p. 0411 374 531 (calls only) s. Goodna Art Studio a. 98 Brisbane Terrace, Goodna Q 4300 e. Facebook Group Ipswich Instagram Ipswich (Including Direct Messages) w. Linked In
KATIE O'BRIEN - Sip 'n' Dip Brisbane Outer North & Sunshine Coast (Carseldine to Noosa)Sip 'n' Dip Brisbane North & Sunshine Coast Owner: Katie O'Brien p. 0484 937 911 s. Rothwell Art Studio a. 3/727 Deception Bay Road, Rothwell Q 4022 e. e. w. Facebook Group | Instagram
ZEKE & ANNA FORTUNE - Sip 'n' Dip Brisbane CBD & Inner Northside (Westend to Aspley)Sip 'n' Dip Brisbane CBD & Inner Northside Owner: Zeke Fortune p. 0474 847 808 e. w. Instagram | Linked In
KAYLA AND KLEVE WOODWARD - Sip 'n' Dip Toowoomba, Warwick and SE Regional"Sip 'n' Dip Toowoomba, Warwick and SE Regional Owner: Kayla Woodward p. 0407 607 896 e. e. w. Facebook Group | Instagram
DESIREE BEDIA - Sip 'n' Dip SomersetSip 'n' Dip Somerset Region Owner: Desiree Bedia p. 0403 682 227 e. w. Facebook Group | Instagram | Linked In
JAANA BROWN - Contact our General Manager & Head OfficeIf your question relates to classes, compliments or complaints, your email will be replied to with a link back to this webpage to allow you to connect with the owner for which you purchased your ticket - to avoid waiting for a reply directing you back to this page, please scroll down and connect with the owner for which you purchased your tickets directly using their mobile phone and/or email address provided below. For online store questions or general information relating to Sip 'n' Dip Australia you can contact us on the below details: 1300 181 992 | PO BOX 24, Goodna Q 4300 Operating Hours 9am-2pm Thursdays & Fridays Facebook | Instagram | Linked In | Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest
Sip 'n' Dip Studios, Cafes & Online Store ContactsGoodna ART Studio 0411 374 531 Operating Hours 9am-12pm Thursday - Saturday 98 Brisbane Terrace, Goodna Q 4300 Goodna CAFE Operating Hours 9am-12pm Monday - Saturday 98 Brisbane Terrace, Goodna Q 4300 Northlakes ART Studio (Collections) 0497 088 614 Operating Hours 9am-2pm Thursday - Saturday 3/727 Deception Bay Road, Rothwell Q 4022 Online Store Operating Hours 9am-12pm Monday - Friday Location : Warehouse location
Resin Disclosure and Information StatementPlease read this statement referanced at check out before purchasing a ticket to our classes. This statement is added in many places, we have added it to our frequently asked questions also for this reason. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Customers personal responsibility and choice to work with resinWe take personal responsibility for the welfare of our clients by exercising an increased duty of care to ensure that our clients make an informed decision in their choice to attend our art classes and do so with the information available to them to make this decision properly and assess the suitability of that creative medium for their own personal situation. This is our statement as to our duty of care and how we meet that duty for our classes. We remind clients that they too need to take personal responsibility for the ultimate decision to participate in a resin class. Please be advised that Sip 'n' Dip Australia will place an artist to supervise all classes and all measures will be taken to provide a safe environment for clients to enjoy resin, however, Sip 'n' Dip Australia Pty Ltd, its teachers, venues and owners takes no responsibility for personal liability and damage resulting from the use of resin in our class, at our venues or in your home. By purchasing a resin ticket you acknowledge that you understand and have read and agree to the terms and conditions listed on this page. You can read the disclosure statement here. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Have you got risk assessments for your venues?Yes we do and we review them every 6 months and they are held with each Sip 'n' Dip business indipendantly. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? We use Just resin Art Resin the Safety Data Sheets for this resin can be found here: Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Which colours will I have access to in class?We do not promise we will have any particular colours available at class, we offer a range of colours based on what is available at any particular time, note that due to COVID stock can be difficult to get so we offer a range of colours but will not promise that specific colour or shade will be at the class. Customers should not assume that a colour featured on our Facebook will be available. We do not promise or advertise a particular colour set will be available unless we run a class with a specific colour and design in which case those are the only available colours on the night.
Can I have technical information on the resin you use?Yes, absolultey. We have made the educated decision to choose to use Just Resin 1:2 Ratio Art Resin. We have carefully researched our options and the associated Safety Data Sheets and decided that as a medium, in our opinion, Just Resin Art Resin meets the requirements for our classes. Note that there is a very broad range of resins on the market, whilst all resin is toxic some resins are considerably more toxic and dangerous than other kinds of resin and using resin not designed for the application you are making can be very dangerous. For this reason, we exclude Bio (or second process) resins, polyethene resins, fibreglass resins, any commercial-grade resins, and any resins not specifically designed for artistic application (including resins from bunnings). There are two safety data sheets that relate to the Just Resin Art Resin that we use, one for part A (the resin itself) and one for part b (the curing agent or hardener). Please read them both from end to end, the first few pages are a high-level summary, but the entire document should be reviewed to ensure you make an informed decision. You can find these here: Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener) We employ protective measures for our clients in our classes, these are commonly referred to as PPE gear (or personal protective equipment. Below is an overview of what we use and in some cases don't use and why. We have undertaken a risk assessment for each recommended PPE to determine based on the guidance in the SDS how we employ the suggested PPE based on the circumstances of their use, you can find the risk assessments with the owner of the area you are completing your class.
How do you know you are providing appriopriate ventilation?For public venues where resin is used, that have current events listed, we retain a collection of risk assessments undertaken to assess the 'adequate ventilation' requirement of the SDS. We also record and control air quality checks periodically to ensure the continued safety of our clients. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Do you use ventilators?In masterclasses - yes we do becuase we torch resin in those classes and extremes of temperature cause highly toxic oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide to be released. For general classes we do not use ventilators in class, we instead provide well-ventilated areas in which to work. The safety data sheet (both of them) reads explicitly 'Where ventilation is inadequate the use of an Air Purifying Respirator with a replacement organic vapour filter complying with AS/NZS 1716 is recommended'. We ensure we are considering this statement carefully and meeting this requirement by the following controls: We provide a safety instructional discussion at the start of each class. We provide competent teachers who monitor the resin in class as it progresses. We provide monthly training to our teachers.We provide well-ventilated areas in which to work. We decant resin before classes at another location away from the venue. We provide monthly vapour checks to ensure our areas remain well ventilated. We provide classes that work with very small amounts of resin 50-200ml (60 ml is generally the standard amount in our classes and is broken down 20ML Hardner, 40ML resin) We do not torch our resin (extremes of temperature cause highly toxic oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide) Customers are not present for longer than they need to be, and so as the curing process commences and vapours increase, they are not present for it. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Do you use safety googles?In masterclasses, or any classes involving minors yes we do. The safety data sheet reads explicitly 'Safety glasses with side shields, goggles or full face-shield as appropriate recommended. The final choice of appropriate eye/face protection will vary according to individual circumstances i.e. methods of handling or engineering controls and according to risk assessments undertaken' We meet this requirement by undertaking risk assessments and the following engineering controls, this combined with COVID regulations means we do not use glasses in our classes: We provide a safety instructional discussion at the start of each class. We provide competent teachers who monitor the resin in class as it progresses. We provide monthly training to our teachers. We provide well-ventilated areas in which to work. We decant resin before classes at another location away from the venue. We provide monthly vapour checks to ensure our areas remain well ventilated. We provide classes that work with very small amounts of resin 50-200ml (60 ml is generally the standard amount in our classes and is broken down 20ML Hardner, 40ML resin) We do not torch our resin (extremes of temperature cause highly toxic oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide) Customers are not present for longer than they need to be, and so as the curing process commences and vapours increase, they are not present for it.
Do you use gloves in class?Yes we do. The safety data sheet reads explicitly 'Wear gloves of impervious materials such as impervious PVC or rubber gloves. The final choice of appropriate gloves will vary according to individual circumstances'. We supply gloves in all classes. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Do you provide body protection?The safety data sheet reads explicitly 'Suitable workwear should be worn to protect personal clothing'. We provide aprons at some locations (those with laundering facilities). For all locations, we provide advice to our clients that they should wear clothing with long sleeves as a protection mechanism. At the locations where aprons are not present, customers are required to dress appropriately for class, this information is provided connected to every ticket on our line up. COVID 19 introduced heavy fines for businesses that can not answer the question 'what are you doing to ensure you are putting measures in place to stop the spread of covid 19' the easiest way for it to spread in our classes is insufficient social distancing (which we police) and the use of reusable aprons.
What should I wear to resin class?Wear old cloths, with long sleeves that you do not have any issue getting resin on. Resin can not be removed from your clothing. For all locations, you should wear clothing with long sleeves as a protection mechanism as resin is toxic. COVID 19 introduced heavy fines for businesses that can not answer the question 'what are you doing to ensure you are putting measures in place to stop the spread of covid 19' the easiest way for it to spread in our classes is insufficient social distancing (which we police) and the use of reusable aprons. At the locations customers are required to dress appropriately for class, this information is provided connected to every ticket on our line up. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
What will stop you from getting a perfect cure in class?You will not get a cure if you: Stir copious amounts of bubbles into your resin (go slow once they are in we can't get them out) if you have very large bubbles and can't see them to pop them before they cure, they will result in pockmarks on the surface that are very large. Inaccurately measure and mix your resin (take time to get this right - or you will have a sticky result that won't set) Inaccurately mix your colour pigment into your resin (make sure it's mixed thoroughly or you will get sticky patches after cure) Add more than 10% colour pigment (this will change the ratio and your board won't set) Don't mix the chemicals properly - be sure to spend time scraping the edges and bottom as you go (unmixed resin will stay sticky and not cure) Touch the surface of your work with your hands - oils repel the resin and so you will end up with clean fingerprints left if you touch the surface without cleaning the oils away You can also read the FAQs for the brand resin used in this class here. Your teacher will mention all this in class and walk you through it, but please be aware going in that paying attention is the best way to get a proper cure.
How do I remove the drips and/or tape from my board after class?If you choose to collect your board early and you don't plan to return your board to the studio for free finishing there are ways you can finish your board on your own. If you plan to sand your board, you must wait 7 days before doing so as the chemicals are still active and if reduced to a fine powder (by sanding) can be inhaled. This is toxic. Please read this article to learn how to finish your work on your own - note this must be done in the first 24 hours. Follow the instructions on this link:
What happens after resin class to my work?Our resin of choice cures over the course of 7 days. Once cured it becomes food grade. Depending on the resin class you undertake, you may take your work home or you may leave it with us. As the resin starts to cure it starts to harden. Hard does not mean cured and so we, therefore, disclose that customers that resin must be left in a level, pest/dust/hair/pet free location for 7 days before any post-production or use. Most commonly, resin cheeseboards require sanding to remove resin drips. We offer this service for free at our studio. Our staff use a properly filtered professional rubber ventilator mask with replaceable filters to undertake this task, along with safety gloves and glasses. We also use an extration fan for sanding services. The reason for these precautions and timing is simple. When the dust from partially cured epoxy is inhaled, the particles become trapped in the mucus lining of the respiratory system and can cause serious health problems.
Is resin Toxic?In Australia Resin is classified as hazardous according to the criteria of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC). All resin is toxic, a chemical and should always be considered dangerous - caution should always be used when working with it. Resin should always be used as directed by the manufacturer. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Children and ResinEvery listed ticket contains a link to the resin information page with instruction to read this link before attending class. Customers can also view this on the main menu of our website at any time. Teachers also disclose the risks as part of the safety instruction at the commencement of the class. CHILDREN AND RESIN Children are welcome in our resin classes, but caution should be exercised, and parents should make a judgement call as to the suitability of the project, the exposure to chemicals and the ability of the child to participate. Parents are required to read the safety data sheet before booking a ticket. Parents take on full responsibility for the supervision of their child while using resin. We operate inclusive classes but do not pretend that there are not risks involved, risks that parents should review and make a decision on. Please carefully review the safety data sheets. Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Pregnancy and resinPREGNANCY AND RESIN Our recommendation is that pregnant women shouldn’t work with epoxy resin - no matter the brand. We use Just Resin Art Resin 1:2. Pregnant woman are welcome in our resin classes as an act of inclusion but the user’s own discretion applies. We suggest caution should be exercised, and each individual should make a judgement call as to the suitability of the project, the exposure to chemicals when deciding if they want to book. Expecting mothers take on full responsibility for this decision. We can not make this decision for them. Expectant mothers should be aware that working with or exposure to certain epoxies or resins could increase their chances of having fertility problems, miscarriage, stillbirth, or a baby with birth defects. Whilst the safety data sheet for the product we use has no referance to use of resin while pregnant, we remain firm in our resolve to provide expectant mothers with the information they need to make a judgement call. Pregnant woman are required to read these safety data sheets before purchasing a ticket and we suggest expectant mothers should seek further advice from their healthcare provider about whether or not resin is safe for them. We recommend expectant mothers exercise additional PPE precautions if they decide to proceed in booking including: - Long Sleeved Clothing - Two pairs of Nitral Gloves - A ventilator mask - An Apron - Protective Glasses - Skin protection cream - Having someone else combine the hardener with the resin on their behalf - Removal of any residual resin on the skin with alcohol wipes, then soap and water Expectant mothers can read the safety data sheets located here to support them in making their decision regarding resin: Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Which resin do you use in your classes?We use Just Resin, Art Resin. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
How do you store resin and do you have batch control?We store our resin in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area in our studio in Goodna. This is out of direct sunlight and the containers are kept well sealed when not in use. We store our resin in recorded batches as they enter the studio in a chemical register also located at the studio we record their use and we dispose of the used bottles carefully. The disposal is in accordance with local laws here in Ipswich City Council shire. Very occasionally we receive a faulty batch of resin, this is the reason for our batch recording. We have a chemical register that records resin that comes in and goes out of the studio in these batches and copies of relevent SDS's are attached to this register.
Do you torch resin in cafe classes?No we do not. Whilst everyone loves a mirror surface on their resin art, and torching your resin will certainly achieve that we decline to participate in torching resin in our workshops. Our choice is simple - customer safety is far more important. Just Resin Art Resin is considered stable under normal conditions. Torching (or heating resin) is a handling method that causes extremes of temperature. This causes increased production of vapours of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide both of which are extremely toxic. We feel that torching resin is a breach of our duty of care and something that there is a great deal of misinformation about available online. We also think it is a careless choice for resin workshop providers. Providers will often supply paper masks, and whilst they will be somewhat of a barrier, we still take the stance that a fitted air-purifying mask is a more suitable option when you are dealing with the increaerd vapours of Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide produced through torching. We prefer to cut the problem off before it becomes one and so have made the decision to simply not torch resin in workshops. We have made this informed decision based on research including reviewing the Saftey Data Sheets for the chemicals we choose to use, and in conjunction with our public liability insurance provider. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Do you torch resin in Master Classes?Yes we do, but ventilator masks are required and provided. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Do you have public liability insurance?We hold and are financial for our public liability and product liability insurance our policy is 20,000,000 in cover and our insurer is Bizcover, further information can be located here: Policy Number: BIZ065011BUS UnderWriter: The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd Certificate of Currency: Here
Do you have OH&S policies?Every resin class begins once the meal has concluded, and been cleared away, and opened with a welcome followed by a safety discussion. This safety discussion highlights what to expect, what the treatment for any negative effects will be and how to alert your teacher. All teachers carry first aid kits. We have a procedure and policy in place for monitoring our classes to keep them safe for our clients, this includes our first aid processes, incident reporting and risk assessments for classes.
Do you have risk assessments comparing the PPE allocated to the SDS?Yes, we do. We review them every 6 months. You can find the PPE listed in the SDS compared using a risk assessment here.
Do you have a safety discussion at class?Yes we do. Our teachers carry first aid kits and are versed in how to manage acute resin first aid situations. They discuss first aid and the process we must follow in the event of an emergency at the commencement of every class and continue to monitor it and remind clients as the class progresses. The first aid advice followed reflects the SDS's.
Can I use resin while I eat and drinkNo, for resin classes you will enjoy your meal and drinks before your class commences. Your teacher will remind you to finish these before they can set up your table. This is for a few reasons including but not limited to safety regarding the use of chemicals around food, space on your table to work, and simply put resin is difficult to get off glassware and so our venues retrieve their glasses promptly before that part of the class commences in an effort to ensure they are not ruined. You can choose to enjoy your dinner and drink before class starts, and customers often choose to enjoy a glass of wine or a slice of cake after class while they admire their work. Note you may see wine glasses in photos used to advertise the class, sometimes these are placed in the photos by the teachers to help gain marketing photos which assist us in advertising the class concept to those who are unaware of the whole offering, sometimes these are purchases made after the class has concluded. Please read the resin processes we follow for full context on how our classes operate.
Do you train your staff and how do you handle breeches of compliance and protocol?We provide training to our staff. Our staff are also required to undertake a safety revision video every 6 months and before peak periods. From time to time staff might forget something or make an error. We recognise human error and have a protocol in place to support the ongoing knowledge of our staff. When an error happens, we speak with the staff member involved and discuss the error and the correct process to follow in future. We document the training discussion and place it on their staff file.
Toxicology informationWe disclose the toxicology information for resin on each class ticket by way of a link asking clients to read thoroughly the information relating to resin before purchasing their ticket. That information is below: Resin 2/3 of formula provided in workshops. Toxicology information can be found on the safety datasheets here: Just Resin Art Resin Part A (Epoxy resin) Just Resin Art Resin Part B (curing agent for epoxy resin - hardener)
Online OrdersYour online order will be packed and dispatched within 5 working days (excluding weekends and public holidays). All orders are final we will not refund for change of mind. If there is a fault with your product we will gladly exchange it / or replace it. We have replaced our local delivery couriers with Sendle couriers for all orders.
Click and collect Orders from the Online StoreWe offer click-and-collect from the Goodna Art Studio (cafe side) at 98 Brisbane Terrace, Goodna. The orders are available from a collection once you receive an email confirming they have been dropped off and are available to pick up. The studio is open 7am-12 pm Monday to Saturday and is closed on public holidays. Customers will receive an email to confirm their order is ready for collection, customers must collect their orders within 3 months of placing them or they will be considered abandoned. Abandoned orders will either be resold, disposed of, or stored refunds will not apply. The fee paid for the order will be considered a payment to cover storage fees for the duration of non-collection. A fee will be payable of $35 an hour plus travel to cover the cost of staff wages if the customer requests an attempt to locate the stock outside of the click-and-collect location, but no promise will be made that it will be located.
The stock in store at studios differs from the website stock, why is this?Our art studios contain a small selection of art materials and supplies onsite, the online store is not representative of that supply. The online store's stock is housed offsite in a warehouse arrangement and is packed and distributed directly from that point to our customers. Click and collect is not available from the warehouse.
Change of mindConsumer guarantees under the ACCC do not apply if you got what you asked for but simply changed your mind, found it cheaper somewhere else, decided you did not like the purchase or had no use for it. We will not refund for change of mind, or because you are impatient and do not want to wait the pre-advised 5 days for packing and distribution.
Problems with your productYou can ask for a replacement if the problem with the product is major. We will offer you an identical type to the product originally supplied to replace the one with fault, we will not refund unless we are unable to provide the above. We will not refund you because you purchased a product and didn't know how to use it and have wasted the supply trying.
Reporting a problem with your productYou have 4 weeks to report any issues with your order in order to be able to return your item and exchange it. We will only exchange if there is a fault with the product, we will not swap partially used products.
Packing & Handling TimeframeAs part of the check out you are advised that we require up to 5 business days for packing and handling of your product. Sometimes your product will leave our warehouse the same day as your order. Sometimes, particularly during peak periods or near public holidays (times when our service becomes busier and there is greater demand) we will require the full 5 days to pack your order. The 5 days starts from the day/time you place your order and concludes 5 consecutive business days (excluding public holidays and weekends) after that date and time. Note the 5 days represents our packing and handling, the courier's transit time (and/or any failure to collect on time for any reason) is separate to this timeframe. We will not refund in the instance where we are required to take the full 5 days to pack and send and/or the courier experiences delays in delivery.
Who to contact about your online order?Our online store is handled offsite at a separate location to our studios, if you phone our studios they will refer you to this contact information to follow up your order. To follow up your order either email OR commence a chat converation using the chat facility on this website. If you choose to use chat, please include as much information as possible about your request and your order - the chat is not live and will be answered as soon as the staff review it.
I have received the wrong item, what now?If you have been sent the wrong stock we will gladly arrange a courier to collect it and post you out the correct stock to replace it at no cost to you. Note that the stock must be returned unused in its original condition with any applicable seals in place and without damage. If the return is due to damage please see the relevant FAQ for that situation.
How to track my orderOnce your order has been finalised at the warehouse you will receive an email with tracking information. This will include a tracking number. You can track your parcel here:
Can I use a discount code against contractor classes?No, discount codes do not apply to contractor classes, you can tell which classes are contractors by checking the URL at the top of the screen - contractor classes are located at this link:
Do you have terms and conditions assocaited with sales and offers released?Yes, we do, you can find them here: Purchases are final - we will not refund for change of mind. Some classes are excluded from sales, we reserve the right to exclude particular classes from a sale - if the code is not accepted, the class has been excluded from the sale. You can not use credit with a sale, a credit requires a manual adjustment on behalf of our staff. Credits do not qualify for use with any sales as sales are an automated process, credits can only be used with full-priced classes. Discounts only apply to website purchases only (the value you paid via the website whilst the promotion was on only). For events where you pay a deposit online and pay the remainder in person, the discount applies only to the deposit. You can not claim a discount on the value due after the sale has ended. Only payments made via website attract a discount. Sales do not apply to contractor classes (see the URL of the website you are on for payment gateway if it starts with then this is a contractor class and the code will not apply. This is because they are not in-house classes and we can therefore not discount them. Note we advertise these classes on all websites for sip n dip, so you must check the URL for the payment gateway (where you book and pay for your ticket) to confirm if it is a contractor class,. Online payments only - you can not claim a discount on the manual payment option. We will issue you invoices after the fact if you use the discount code online to claim the discount. Discount codes can not be used for private events - We will issue you invoices after the fact if you use the discount code online to claim the discount. Whilst the website will allow you to enter it. Discounts only apply to participating regions - if your code works on the website you are attempting to purchase tickets from, then your region is participating. Discounts only apply to only to transactions made on the website during the sale period - we will not backdate a transaction if your browser malfunctions or you are not able to use the code before it expires. Discounts only apply to one ticket in your basket unless otherwise advertised. Discounts can not be used with any other offers or discounts (i.e. you can not apply more than one discount against any single ticket). Discounts will only apply during the specific discount period. We will not backdate a discount if you missed the sale period. Discounts will not be applied if you forgot to enter your code A processing fee of $10 per ticket will be applied if we agree to make any manual change to your ticket We will generally not pre-advertise sales
Do I include quotation marks or inverted commas in a code?No. However, we will use correct grammar and punctuation when communicating codes to avoid errors. Please refer to the Australian Government's use of quotation marks here. Quotation marks are a type of punctuation used to show direct quotes, dialogue, and certain titles or otherwise to set aside words in text. According to the Australian Government-produced style manual: 'Quotation marks draw attention to words and reference certain kinds of titles' They have a few important functions in grammar and therefore we use them to illustrate the start and the end of a coupon code to ensure that our clients do not include spaces at either end in error and therefore trigger a code error at check out. Example: Suzie finds a sale code on a promotional email it reads as follows: Sale code: 'Happydays' In this example the quotation marks are used to show the start and the end of the code, you would enter just the text in bold into the section titled coupon code on our website in order to have the discount applied. We apply this same common sense approach to our communications. If your code does not work, please email us to find out why, we can not apply a code after the fact as we are charged booking fees and payment gateway fees based on the total amount. Please reach out before the fact if you have an issue.
Which PPE is supplied for this class?You will be working with natural elements like soil, potting mix, sphagnum moss, and plants we encourage you to wear something suitable. We can not provide aprons due to covid regulations and so we encourage you to BYO an apron if it is your preference. We do provide safety glasses and gloves.
What plants will be use?Customers will be provided with a choice from a collection of succulents all approx 4cm tall. Succulent type is not guaranteed and customers will choose from what is available on the day. You can bring your own plant but they must be the same size - you will not be supplied additional materials if those provisioned as part of your class fee are not sufficient for your plant.
Can I make Kokedama while pregnant?Pregnant women are not encouraged to attend this class due to the risk of toxoplasmosis infection. Toxoplasma parasites can happily reside in soil and in this class you will be working with soil. If pregnant women choose to attend please bring a P91 grade mask (Australian Standards) and wear long-sleeved clothing, and shower directly after class using soap.
Do you have risk assessments for this class?Yes, we complete risk assessments on the following components of this class: exposure to soil & airborne dust particles Ventilation
What is the class process for this class?You will be taught how to combine your peat moss, potting mix, soil together, assemble the base, plant your succulent, encase your plant in a layer of sphagnum moss and then carefully wrap it.
I Lost my Kokedama care and re wrapping instructions, where can I get a copy?Customers are provided the below handout to take home to help with caring for their kokedamas.
Additives : Fragrances Essential Oils, Fragrance Oils"Is it effective in melt and pour soap making? Scent additives might impact the soap’s color, setting time, solidity, and transparency and may cause the soap to thicken quickly (an occurrence called “seizing” or “acceleration”) Suggested Usage Amount 0.3 oz. – 0.4 oz. of fragrance per pound of soap. The amount can be increased, depending on the strength of the chosen scent. Helpful Information Ensure that the chosen scent is skin-safe and suited to your skin type/sensitivities Ensure that the scent is thoroughly blended into the soap base to prevent separation from the base as well as globules of pure fragrance Create a sample of the final product to be sure that the scent is well-suited to the chosen soap base (i.e. does not negatively impact its viscosity and clarity) Oils with floral, fruity, or spicy scents are reputed to cause seizing Ensure that the chosen essential oil does not have contraindications for particular health conditions
Additives : Carrier OilsIs it effective in melt and pour soap making? Carrier Oils enhance the moisturizing, conditioning, nourishing, and soothing effects of the final soap product Suggested Usage Amount 1 Tbsp. per pound of soap Helpful Information Ensure that oil is entirely liquid before blending into melted soap
Additives : Colourants (Liquid Dyes, Micas, Oxides, Clays, Nature Tint Colors)"Is it effective in melt and pour soap making? Any liquid dye that is water-based, non-bleeding, and skin-safe can be used to add color to Melt and Pour soap. Powder colorants, such as micas, oxides, clays, and “Nature Tint” colors, may also be used. Suggested Usage Amount 1 tsp per pound of soap Helpful Information Ensure that powder and liquid color additives are thoroughly blended into the chosen soap base, otherwise there is a chance that the color will not integrate completely, resulting in streaks of white (or whatever color the original soap base is) or specks of color rather than a uniform hue Before adding a powder dye into a soap base, dilute it in a small amount of rubbing alcohol, as this will help to prevent the powder from forming lumps in the mixture (the alcohol will be burned off by the heat of the liquified soap while the color will remain)
Additives : ButtersIs it effective in melt and pour soap making? Butters enhance the moisturizing, conditioning, nourishing, and soothing effects of the final soap product Suggested Usage Amount More than 1 teaspoon per pound of soap base could result in the final product being too soft or too oily and could possibly lessen the lather or prevent the product from properly hardening Helpful Information Ensure that butter is entirely liquid before blending into melted soap
Additives : Exfoliants (Clays, Sugar, Epsom Salts, Loofah, Oatmeal, Clay Powders, Cosmetic Beads, Coffee Grounds, Ground Pumice Stone)"Is it effective in melt and pour soap making? Yes, they can help remove dead skin, soothe, soften, and smoothe the skin and enhance cleaning properties. Suggested Usage Amount 1 tsp per pound of soap Helpful Information For exfoliants that have finer textures, it is recommended that they be mixed with a small amount of rubbing alcohol (e.g. 1 tsp of exfoliant in 1 Tbsp of alcohol) to help them integrate into the liquified soap
Additives : Activated CharcoalIs it effective in melt and pour soap making? Yes. The amount of Activated Charcoal that is added to a soap base determines a color range from blue to grey to black. A coarse Activated Charcoal will contribute to the exfoliation properties of the final soap. Activated Charcoal soaps are reputed to be beneficial for acne-prone skin Suggested Usage Amount 1-2 tsp per pound of soap Helpful Information Before adding Activated Charcoal into a soap base, dilute it in a small amount of rubbing alcohol, as this will help to prevent the powder from forming lumps in the mixture (the alcohol will be burned off by the heat of the liquified soap while the color will remain)
Additives : Botanicals (Seeds, Whole Flower Buds, Petals, Leaves, Powdered Extracts, Herbs)"Is it effective in melt and pour soap making? Yes, botanicals add aesthetic appeal to a finished soap product. Although they might be incorporated into a soap formula with the intention of adding fragrance, the quantity of dried botanicals (fresh ones should not be used), will be too trivial to contribute any notable scent, thus a fragrance oil should also be used in addition to botanicals, Due to their nature, botanicals can potentially cause discoloration of the soap, we use them for decoration only. Suggested Usage Amount 1-2 tsp per pound of soap Helpful Information It is recommended that any preferred flower additives be dried, treated, and specifically for soap-making Flowers should be dried – ideally air dried – before they are added to any melted soap bases To ensure that botanicals (especially those that are heavy and inclined to sink to the bottom of the mold) are evenly distributed in a soap base, a layering technique may be used. This involves pouring a small amount of the melted soap base to the mold, then sprinkling a small amount of the botanicals on top, then waiting approximately 20 minutes before pouring a second layer of melted soap atop the botanicals layer. This can be repeated until the mold is filled. Another method that promotes the even distribution of botanicals involves, using a small stick-like tool, such as a toothpick, to place the flowers in the preferred spot inside the melted soap. As the soap hardens, there is still a chance that botanicals will rise to the top of the soap (which will be the bottom of the unmolded soap) To prevent botanicals from discoloring soap, it is recommended to add them to the liquid soap when its temperature is lower than the melting point
Additives : Baking SodaIs it effective in melt and pour soap making? No, baking Soda is not recommended for use in soaps, as it negatively affects lather. Suggested Usage Amount n/a Helpful Information n/a
Additives : Humectants (Raw Honey, Aloe Vera Gel)"Is it effective in melt and pour soap making? Humectants contribute extra moisture to the skin for enhanced hydration and softness Soften the final product. The greater the concentration of honey, the denser the lather, the softer the soap, and the darker the final soap will appear to be. Honey could potentially separate from the soap base. A high amount of honey in the final soap bar is said to increase sweating in Glycerin soaps Suggested Usage Amount ½ teaspoon to 6 teaspoons Helpful Information n/a
Additives : Milk PowderIs it effective in melt and pour soap making? Yes, like most Additives, Milk Powders can be added to Melt & Pour Soap Base Suggested Usage Amount 1 – 2 tablespoons per pound of soap Helpful Information To add the Milk Powder, mix it with a small amount of warm water to form a slurry or paste Your teacher will supervise the use of powdered milk - even in a powdered form careful intigration and measuring needs to be used to ensure your resulting bar is safe to use.
Additives : Citrus peels, berries, and herbs"Is it effective in melt and pour soap making? Yes, but only when dehydrated, then dried, thoroughly and prepared specfifically for melt and pour soap making. If you are mixing these elements into your soap we encourage you to use a hot/cold process soap or add a preservative. In our classes we use these elements to decorate the top of the bar (these are removed before the soap bar is used by the user). Suggested Usage Amount Enough to decorate the top of the soap bar Helpful Information Preservativies can oxidize and turn brown over time.
Additives : Vanilla Extract and Oils with VanillinIs it effective in melt and pour soap making? Vanilla Extract should not be used in soap as it causes discoloration of the final soap bar and will not retain its deep, warm, sweet, and comforting aroma. In some Vanilla-stable soap bases, Vanilla-fragranced oils can be added to the soap and the colour will remain unaffected Suggested Usage Amount No more then 2% Helpful Information n/a
When did this loyalty card program launch?This loyalty card program is due to launch in May 2022.
Can you transfer loyalty points between Sip 'n' Dip regions and businesses?No, Loyalty points are processed automatically based on the website that you purchase your tickets through. Each Sip 'n' Dip Website has its own loyalty card program, when you purchase your ticket be sure to note the URL so that you know which account your points will be attributed to. To find out which website you are purchasing your ticket through, please look at the top of the screen as shown below:
My points did not appear in my account, why?This is a fully automated process, when you make your purchase the website you are on will attribute loyalty points to your balance held on that website. If you shop from multiple Sip 'n' Dip Businesses, it is possible for you to have multiple loyalty cards (one on each website). There are several Sip 'n' Dip websites, to avoid dissapointment please check carefully which one you are on when you make your purchase, as we can not transfer points between loyalty cards.
Can I claim loyalty points for the meal component of the class?No, our venues are indipendantly owned. They all offer their own in house loyalty rewards programs. You can only accumulate points in you pay online via the website, for the portion you paid online only.
I booked a private event, can I claim the points?Yes you can, if you pay for it via our website. Whomever purchases the tickets will accumulate the points, so if your guests all pay seperatley, they will collect points based on their spend. If you pay for all their tickets, then you will accumulate the balance in your account.
How do I see my pointsVisit your Sip 'n' Dip website of choice, click log on, and navigate through to your account to see your accumulated balance. If your balance is different to what you expected, it may be because you have purchased tickets on other sip n dip websites and will therefore have a balance on those. The loyalty program is connected to the website - we can not transfer points between websites.
Can I add points for previous purchases?No, you can not add points manually to this program, it is automated and will collect points automatically. You cannot manually add points for previous purchases to this program.
Can I collect points for credits?No, points are collected automatically via the website you are purchasing from. If you have a credit, this will be manually processed for you, loyalty points do not apply to manual transactions. Online automated purchases only.
Can I collect points when I use a gift card to purchase tickets?No, gift cards do not contribute to your points balance (either by purchasing or by using them).
Do my points expire?No, your points balance will not expire.
What information will you collect? And whom will it be shared with?We will only collect information you provide to us, this information will never be shared beyond the sip n dip company structure with the exception of the below: Contact details for a particular event If you walk out without paying your bill, we will share your contact details with the venue to allow them to contact you and claim payment. What is the sip n dip structure? Who will have access to my information? Sip 'n' Dip Australia is a brand, and Sip 'n' Dip Owners purchase a licence to use the brand to trade. Head office will have access to all information collected aross the Sip 'n' Dip businesses, Sip 'n' Dip owners will only be able to access their own records. We operate this way to ensure that head office can assist owners in supporting their customers. Can I ask for a copy of what you hold on me? Yes, we are happy to provide this to you directly, you can also access the compelte file of the information we hold on you via our website 24/7. Simply log into your profile to see what information you have provided to us. To remove all information from our site, delete your customer profile, this will erase all your date from our CRM direct.
Are there any other fees and charges?Generally speaking no, however when you purchase a ticket online you are purchasing the deposit in 99% of cases and so you will still be required to pay your meal and drink component on arrival which ranges from $20-$35 depending on the venue you choose - please refer to the listing for more information. Points can not be used to pay for this. If there is is an additional charge, you will be advised of that before you make your purchase and be able to make an informed decision.
I booked a ticket in a region and checked the URL but I cant see my points?We co-list events on various sip n dip websites to make them easier to find at our customers requests, this can include: - Events for neighbouring regions - Contractor events - Special Events If you have not been attributed points, it means that event is either listed on another sip 'n' dip website (and so you have collected points on that website) or is a contractor class or a special event which do not collect points. Please check the URL at the top of your screen to find out which website you are on, and therefore which website will collect your points.
Can I use my points for any event?Whilst the vast majority of our events do collect points there are exceptions to the rules. Occasionally we host special events for other organisations for example, these will not accumulate points. Contractor classes will also not accumulate points. Therefore we include in our terms and conditions that most classes collect points, but not all. The process is automated at checkout.
How do I opt out of Loyalty card marketing?Simply unsubscribe from our website, you can control this completley and we will not contact you if you unsubscribe. If you try to unsubscibe and run into any issues please email and we will process this for you manually within 14 business days.
What happens if you update this policy?We keep a version control below with the changes so that you can see any any particular time what the current terms and conditions are transparently at any time.
POLICY VERSION CONTROL01/05/2022 - Policy Launch This policy was created and launched on the 01/05/2022, changes to this poilicy will be listed below in date order.
Is it safe to use crystals and flowers in candles? what about the wooden-based candle class you offer?Is putting crystals and dried flowers on a candle legal and safe? Yes it is. It is legal and a candle made correctly with crystals and dried flowers in this way are as safe as any other candle. In our classes, risk assessments are completed before we undertake a class rolled out across the board and the candles are used and burned out to test for safety. All candles come with fire risk, as it is the nature of an open flame. Candles should never be left unattended at any time, customers take full responsibility for the responsible use of their candles. There are seven engineering processes that have been included in our risk assessment to ensure the safe construction and use of candles (beyond appropriate PPE in their creation): Wick choice We have chosen wicks that are slightly smaller than the traditional wicks sizes that we would generally use for a candle of the volume we are creating. We have done this to reduce the size of the burn pool (the liquid wax that accumulates around the wick of the candle while it is lit) to allow a buffer of wax to 1cm in depth to be created around the circumference of the candle. Generally, when you choose your wick, you actually choose it to the size to ensure that you avoid this very thing, but in our case, we have done this as a safety precaution which will result in a thick lining of hard wax being created in each candle as it burns serving as a 1cm thick barrier between candle base and flame. Wick Base choice We also choose to use broad metal-based wicks instead of plastic-based wicks, or wooden wicks, we do not use candle stickers in our candle classes - we do this as a fire protection measure, to ensure our candles do not create fumes as plastic burns, and to put a metal barrier between the base of the candle and the flame. Class Instruction Teachers provide class instruction sheets to customers to take home. These sheets include details relating to the placement of their art and why they need to be placed in specific spots. The concept of the wick size is explained in class and students are told they can not place flowers or crystals covering the surface of the candle, they are instructed not to place them in the melt pool and to only place it around the circumference shown in the advertising photos which will result in the decorative elements remaining predominantly on the buffer edge of the wax created by the smaller wick. If customers choose to cover their entire surface they are instructed in class that they will need to remove that before use, or that their candle will have to remain decorative only. We note that crystal and flower candles are legal and able to be insured by AUZi Insurance. Limited use of essential oils & exclusion of certain oils Essential oils are, in fact, highly flammable and in some nations, they have even been considered fire hazards and are not allowed on planes. However, there are so many different essential oils out there and they all have their own different properties and levels of flammability. We exclude the use of essential oils with potentially dangerous flashpoints, and we use 1/4 of the amount recommended to scent candles in our classes to both ensure customers are not overwhelmed with the highly scented product when they do get it home, but to far reduce the risk of creating a fire hazard with the candles they make. Instruction to not burn below the wick Customers are advised that they are not to burn below the broad metal base of their wick - their flame should not come into contact with the wooden treated base of the candles. This said dough bowl candles have been common since before there was electricity. We have the added protection measure in place where we have opted for metal broad-based wick bases to ensure that the flame does not come into contact with the wood. Single Short wicks We use only one wick, not multiple to keep the temperature of the burn low, and we trip wicks in class to 1/4 inch to ensure a slower and cooler burn. Metal Stoppers The base of each wick has a metal stopper, ensuring that the burn is always 12.5mm away from the treated wood base. Fire retardant wooden bases & treatment We choose to use Acacia Wood bases for our farmhouse dough bowl candles when we create these candles because they are considered fire retardant kinds of wood (all varieties in Australia) and unlikely to light on fire during the first wave of a passing bushfire. Beyond this, we pre-treat the bowls with a CSIRO-approved fire retardant before the class. Why have we gone to such an effort to make sure we make our classes and the final product from them safe? Because heavy fines apply to individuals who knowingly breach the safety of the consumer. Combustible Candle Holder Ban in Australia Over the years various imported novelty candles and combustible candle holders have been recalled due to safety concerns. For this reason, legislators thought it wise to ban candle holders and decorations that remain on fire for more than 5 seconds. This includes candles such as 'fireworks' looking candles, spinning novely candles adn those not designed with any risk assessment or mitigation in place. The legislation actually reads: "Combustible candle holders can be a fire risk if they catch on fire and remain on fire for more than five seconds. Hazards associated with these products include burns, serious injury or death if the candle holder or decoration catches alight and causes a fire" Back in 2014 the ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commission) issued a press release entitled, “ACCC warns of dangerous candle holders and decorations.” It basically warned consumers and reminded us of the legislation that rules combustible candle holders and decorations that can catch on fire and remain on fire for more than five seconds instead of self-extinguishing should not be used. Here’s the article if you want to check it out. If you would like to do some more research you can do so here: Based on the 7 engineering safety controls we have in place (listed again below) we feel we have gone above and beyond in ensuring the safety of our students ensuring that flames can not get to the wooden bowl, but if there was ever a situation where they did, there is also a secondary and tertiary risk mitigation processes in place: Smaller wick to reduce burn pool leaving a 1cm buffer of unburned wax between the wooden base and the flame on all sides from the top to the bottom of the candle. Wicks that have a broad metal base are used to create a second completely fire safe barrier between the flame and the wooden base Class instruction around the placement of decorative elements and clarification that if the surface is covered, it renders the candle decorative only Using single wicks and trimming them short to reduce the length and heat created in the burn Choosing to use fire retardant wood for the base bowls Confirmation provided not to burn your candle past the wicks Limited use of any other flammable substances in the candles to further reduce the risk of flames outside of the controlled wick
I don't agree with your information regarding safety - I feel that I have seen photos that I feel contradicts thisThanks for letting us know. We have submitted our process, risk assessment, email notifications, forms, class instruction to the ACCC for review to seek to confirm that we are in fact following the correct instruction and providing a safe class. Further, off the back of the slander online we have also raised a request for the class to be reviewed by our public liability insurance provider. The ACCC confirmed that there are no official candle-making guidelines available in Australia, the industry is not regulated any person off the street can call themselves a professional candlemaker. The information available is based entirely on peoples 'opinions'. With this in mind, and a requirement by our public liability insurer, we are required to heavily reasearch the topic and conduct risk assessments for all classes before they commence to ensure they are covered - after renewed inquiries with the ACCC the only information provided to us is the banned products list on the ACCC website and reference to combustible containers. The legislation actually reads explicitly: "Combustible candle holders can be a fire risk if they catch on fire and remain on fire for more than five seconds. Hazards associated with these products include burns, serious injury or death if the candle holder or decoration catches alight and causes a fire" Whilst we respectfully acknowledge that people have their own opinions, the process has been subjected to a vigorous safety risk assessment intentionally to provide a duty of care to our clients in relation to the combustibility of the final choice of containers used in this class. This includes several measures put in place to ensure that those wooden bowls used are not able to catch on fire or remain on fire for more than 5 seconds. You can read about those controls here in the risk assessment located at the bottom of this post. Recently, we have been subjected to a large spiral of social media comments without context - note none of these commenters have actually emailed us formally to discuss the matter, and as there is no industry qualification for candle making their views are their personal opinions - these individuals were not in a class but proceeded to complain about photos they have seen online. Please be aware that there is often context missing from these photos and we post them for transparency. There was context missing from those posted also and we have not participated in the narrative online and will continue not participate - if clients contact us directly to discuss we will greet the feedback positively, but if they post publically with half the information we will instead delete their posts and ban them from the page. We do not respond to bullying. We do not participate in Facebook arguments with people online but do choose to address the main points raised in a professional way though as follows: People often drink in our classes and go overboard with decorative elements, this happens almost every class - so for that reason, anyone who does this in class is told at the time their candles are deemed decorative only unless they remove them before they use them. Almost all clients in this position agree to remove the decorations before using them. Just because a photo of a candle went up that falls into this category, does not mean we didn't instruct the clients to the contrary. They are also told and instructed multiple times where to place their decorations and how much, they are provided an instruction sheet to this effect also printed during class, and as standard practice, we email them after the event (everyone who attended) with a reminder about this process required and how to safely operate candles. We have added into our class rotation a 3 page document they take home which covers how to use candles safely and clear articulation including images of what constitutes a functional candle over a decorative only candle. If they are drinking and don't follow instructions, they are told their candle is decorative and an email is sent a couple of days after the event to remind them of this fact as a safety precaution in case they don't remember because they were intoxicated we do this even if they are not showing intoxication but the teacher saw them drink alcohol. If customers are clearly intoxicated they are removed from class per the terms and conditions of their ticket sales. If you have seen photos posted of this ilk it is because we have addressed that at the time, and again in an email after the event and but the customers want to get copies of the photos we took for them while they worked so this forms the reason why we post them. We have had questions raised about the use of essential oils. In these classes we often don't use fragrances at all, but they are available, those who choose to use them are instructed to use 10-15 drops and only oils with a low flash point (we often get complaints from people wishing we used other oils, we don't use them for their safety and we tell them that in class at the time). We also offer some fragrant candle-making oils, we buy this in bulk and bottle it in amber essential oil bottles as it's an affordable way to do it and easy to distribute in class. We also limit the scent for a variety of other reasons regardless of if they choose essential oils or fragrant oils. In all cases, between 0-15 drops go into this class which is a far cry for 45 drops recommended for candle making. We have had feedback about a leaking vessel. We ask our guests to inspect their vessels thoroughly before use, this is part of the class instruction if there is a leaky vessel they are offered a replacement if they decline we instruct them how to clean it up after the candles have set. We note that a hairline fracture in a glass vessel can be a cause for explosion, this is NOT the case for a wooden vessel. We have once again raised a request with the ACCC this time in writing in a formal way to ensure that our processes are correct off the back of this feedback, and will make any adjustments they deem required based on their feedback, along with that of our public liability insurer - as we did when we phoned them initially - to discuss it informally before we launched the workshop. If you have constructive feedback we welcome it please direct it to and we will include it in our discussions with the ACCC / Public Liability Insurance provider, but if you plan to participate in a Facebook smear campaign designed to slander us with half the information, we will remain silent and simply delete your comment/block you as it is not professional for us to participate.
How to safely burn a candleIt is the customer's responsibility to safely burn their candles - you agree to use safe candle burning processes including but not limited to: Before Lighting: Before burning, always trim the wick to ¼ inch. You can use a wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning, dripping or flaring. Keep the wax pool clear of wick trimmings, matches and debris at all times. Always use a candleholder specifically designed for candle use. It should be heat resistant, sturdy, and large enough to contain any drips or melted wax. Burn candles in a well-ventilated room: Avoid drafts, vents or air currents. This will help prevent rapid or uneven burning, sooting, and excessive dripping. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on burn time and proper use. In general, it is recommended that candles do not burn for longer than four hours and cool for at least two hours before relighting. When lighting a candle, use long matches or a long-reach lighter. Keep your hair and loose clothing away from the flame. While Burning: Never leave a candle unattended. Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, flammable decorations, etc. Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets. Do not place lighted candles where they can be knocked over by children, pets or anyone else. Never touch or move a candle while it is burning or while the wax is liquefied. Don’t burn a candle all the way down. For a margin of safety, discontinue burning a candle when 1/2 inch remains in the container or 2 inches if using a pillar candle. Place burning candles at least three inches apart from one another. This is to make sure they don’t melt one another, or create their own drafts that will cause the candles to burn improperly. Extinguish a candle if the flame becomes too high or flickers repeatedly. Let the candle cool, trim the wick, and check for unwanted drafts before re-lighting. Never use a candle as a night light or while you may fall asleep. Be very careful if using candles during a power outage. Flashlights and other battery-powered lights are safer sources of light during a power failure. Never use a candle during a power outage to look for things in a closet, or when fueling equipment – such as a lantern or kerosene heater. When Extinguishing a Candle: Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle. It’s the safest way to prevent hot wax from splattering. Never use water to extinguish a candle. Water can cause the hot wax to splatter and might break a glass container. Make sure the candle is completely out and the wick ember is no longer glowing before leaving the room. Don’t touch or move the candle until it has completely cooled. Never use a knife or sharp object to remove wax drippings from a glass holder. It might scratch, weaken, or cause the glass to break upon subsequent use.
Why do you use smaller wicks in wooden container candles?This is an engineering control implemented. We have chosen wicks that are slightly smaller than the traditional wicks sizes that we would generally use for a candle of the volume we are creating in our acacia wood candles. We have done this to reduce the size of the burn pool (the liquid wax that accumulates around the wick of the candle while it is lit) to allow a buffer of wax to 1cm in depth to be created around the circumference of the candle. Generally, when you choose your wick, you actually choose it to the size to ensure that you avoid this very thing, but in our case, we have done this as a safety precaution which will result in a thick lining of hard wax being created in each candle as it burns serving as a 1cm thick barrier between candle base and flame.
What if I cover the surface of my candle with decorative elements?Whilst it might be easy to get carried away with decoration, its important to follow the teacher's instructions or you will render your work unsafe and decorative only. Teachers provide class instruction sheets for customers to take home. These sheets include details relating to the placement of their art and why they need to be placed in specific spots along with detailed information about the wax. The concept of the chosen wick size is explained in class and students are told they can not place flowers or crystals covering the surface of the candle, they are instructed not to place them in the melt pool and to only place it around the circumference shown in the advertising photos which will result in the decorative elements remaining predominantly on the buffer edge of the wax created by the smaller wick. If customers choose to cover their entire surface they are instructed before leaving the class that they will need to remove that before use, or that their candle will have to remain decorative only.
Why do we use soy wax?Soy wax is much healthier for us and the environment. This planet-friendly substance doesn't emit any nasties into our atmosphere. Soy wax also has a lower melting point than paraffin wax. This means that soy wax burns cooler and will last longer than paraffin candles. You can buy wax here.
What kind of wax are we using?Ecosoya CB – Advanced Soy Wax - you can read about it here.
What is the Melting Temperature?Under gentle agitation, we melt the wax to a 75°C. For this brand and type wax do not heat to above 90°C for prolonged periods of time.
Pour TemperatureWe pre-melt the wax ahead of class to make it convenient for you on the day. If you are doing this at home later, check the pouring temperature for the type of wax, for this one cool to 60°C then add fragrance oil and gently stir for up to 2 minutes to combine. Pour immediately after adding fragrance oil. If not using fragrance oil pour at 60°C. You can read about the wax we use here.
What if I forget the safety precautions after leaving?You need not worry, we email you a couple of days after your class with a reminder about a few key things to make sure that if you happen to get a little excited with the decorating and missed the details, that you have them after class to refer to. In your follow up email we touch on: - How to safely use your candle - A reminder that you must remove decorative elements from close to the flame to avoid a fire hazard - Access to the class notes in case you have misplaced yours since the class.
Ambient temperature during your pourOn cold days or where the ambient temperature of your room is significantly cooler than your wax, you may develop dips in your wax towards the middle, this happens as the wax on the outside cools faster then that on the inside. Acacia Wood Candle Class As we are working with wooden bases this should offset much of the risks of this happening as it will act as an insulator to the wax as it cools. Container Candle Class We will control the temperature in the room with airconditioning / reverse cycle air conditioning
Do you use Fire retardant wooden bases & fire retardant treatment on the wooden bowls? and if so which one?Yes we do. We choose to use Acacia Wood bases for our farmhouse dough bowl candles when we create these candles because they are considered fire retardant kinds of wood (all varieties in Australia) and unlikely to light on fire during the first wave of a passing bushfire. Beyond this (and the other 7 engineering controls in place listed above in these FAQs) we pre-treat the bowls with a CSIRO-approved fire retardant before the class allowing it to dry fully. We use Chemron Fire Retardant Liquid - Fire resistant coating. This is an innovative single-component passive fire retardant for all softwoods. Good fungus and UV resistance. It may be stained sealed or painted with water-based or oil-based products. CSIRO-tested Withstands exposure up to BAL-29 condition Australian made
Is fire retardant enough?The amount of time that long-term retardants are effective in reducing fire intensity and spread after the water they contain has evaporated varies from several days to up to one week or more depending on vegetation type, coverage levels, precipitation, and other factors. The fire Retardant Liquid we use is a fire-resistant coating that penetrates and protects the timber and has been tested and case studied at Terong Zoo in Sydney against the thatching in their animal pens. This Australian-made BAL-29 certified high-risk rated fire retardant coating is a single-component treatment that inhibits the initial spread of fire. It works by isolating the combustible material from flames. Once Chemron’s Fire Retardant Liquid is dry the surface may be stained, sealed or painted with either water-based or oil-based products. Better than Fire Proof Paint alone This penetrating fire-resistant coating is superior to fireproof paint. If not routinely and meticulously maintained paint can weather and flake off, this includes fireproof paint. One of the understated features of Fire Retardant Liquid is that this fire resistant solution does not alter the colour of natural timber. As a result, treated internal timber panelling will retain its natural wood colour but still have the BAL-29 level protection. Key Points & Product Features: Certified timber fire resistance treatment Certified by CSIRO as BAL-29 rated Significantly reduces the risk and severity of a fire Adds crucial time for firefighters to arrive and minimise damage Dries clear without altering the natural timber colouring Excellent fungus resistance Good UV resistance Australian made Easy to apply
Fragrance Load & Essential OilsThe max fragrance load for this was is up to 12% In this workshop, we are very lightly scenting our candles with essential oils. This class has been designed for beginners and so we have reduced the amount of oil used in candles to ensure that they are usable in your home after the event without irritation to you, pets, kids or others. The candles are designed primarily to be visually aesthetically pleasing. You can use up to 45 drops in your candle, in this class you will be asked to use 5-10 drops, we have provided oils that are complementary to the process of this workshop to avoid issues with flashpoints.
Hot throw VS cold throwThe hot throw of a candle is the strength of the scent when it is burning, the cold throw is what it smells like when its not in use, we are only adding a very light scent in this workshop.
Which soy wax do you use explicitly please?We use Ecosoya CB - Advanced Soy Wax. It is purchased here in Australia Melting Temperature: Under gentle agitation, melt the wax to a 75°C. Do not heat to above 90°C for prolonged periods of time. Pour Temperature: Cool to 60°C then add fragrance oil andgently stir for 2 minutes to combine. Pour immediately after adding fragrance oil. If not using fragrance oil pour at 60°C. Max Fragrance: Up to 12% Suggested Applications: Container Candles Description: EcoSoya CB-Advanced is a fully formulated, single pour, all-natural soy container wax that requires no additives. EcoSoya CB-Advanced is the advanced container blend in our range and has excellent scent throw and glass adhesion and pours with a smooth level surface and highly resistant to frosting. This wax can take a fragrance load of up to 12%. We recommend heating this wax to around 70 degrees to melt and pouring at 60 degrees. Add fragrance as close to pour temperature as possible for optimum results. We have a handy 'how to guide' available in the downloads section along with videos on our home page to help you achieve the best results! Try this wax if you had previously used EcoSoya Q220 from the old Quantum range
Why don't you have the full range of scents on hand? Essential oils or fragrances?As we sometimes use essential oils it is important to remember that all of them have a different flashpoint. We excluded a great many before settling on the available collection at class. As explained in class we use 1/4 of the recommended amount of scent for a candle in class, we advertise them as unscented. We do this because of both the flash points and flammability of essential oils, but also because essential oils have many therapeutic benefits, and whilst most people will notice a very mild the smell when they burn their candle from class, we have maintained this safety standard of 1/4 of the usual recommended about both to ensure we don't overwhelm our clients but also so that any vapors released as part of burning them, are kept at safe levels. We often have fragrant candle-making blends at our classes as well, these are not essential oils although we still do not add more for the same assurance to clients that we dont want them overwhelmed with the scent when they get it home. For these, we measure our and distribute them into amber essential oil bottles to make it easier to access them in class across a group. Ask your teacher on the day which you used.
May I see the risk assessment for candle making class with acacia wood basesYes. You can educate yourself as to the risk assessment undertaken and the engineering controls in place for this class here.
How do you know your teachers are following the outlined instructions, particularly around safety?We provide mystery shoppers in classes to ensure that they report back on a checklist provided which included a lengthy section on safety.
What is 'Frosting' or 'Cottage Cheese' on candlesThe frosting and cottage cheese look is common in Soy wax candles. This can present as a cottage cheese appearance on the surface, or as a 'frost' look when looking through a container candle. In both cases the primary cause is the soy wax cooling at different rates and the chemical composition of soy wax. It also varies from wax to wax, the heat used for the pour, how it is manufactured or the ambient temperature when it was poured. Changes can even happen to your set candles based on the temperature changes in the home where you have it stored. If you experience frosting on your candles you can use a heat gun or a hair dryer to melt the surface of your candles to restore the flat even look, if you have a container candle, you can heat the entire circumferanc so that it cools at the same rate to avoid further frosting. Be careful not to crack glass candles by over heating them or heating too close to the glass. This is a fantastic you tube clip explaining frosting and why it happens with examples of frosting on the oustide of glass candles. This is a great you tube clip if you are having issues with the surface of your candles. Finally this you tube clip is great for tackling common candle making issues.
What is Polyurethane Resin?The Polyurethane Resin we use is a high solids Polyurethane Resin, with high viscosity that dries with a clear gloss finish. This product has been designed for various creative applications such as sealing timber substrates, wall art coating, furniture coating and tumbler coating. It is also ideal as an outdoor coating due to its non yellowing UV Stability. WaterCote is a Food-Safe coating, and suitable for the use on cheeseboards and coasters. WaterCote can be applied by pouring or by brush, and is self levelling. Re-coating is suitable at the 4 hour mark, depending on ambient temperature. Can be handled after 10 days, allow 30 days for full cure. Very Low VOC, Low Odour & Cleans up with water Coating cures hard, and is hard wearing. Single Part Resin Water Based Pigments suitable for the use with this product. - Acrylic Inks, Mica, Glitters, Powder Pigments You can read the SDS for this resin here:
Is Polyurethane Resin Food Safe?Yes, Polyurethane Resin is food safe. You can read the SDS for this resin here:
How long dose it take to cure?Can be handled after 10 days, allow 30 days for full cure. The coating cures hard, and is hard-wearing. You can read the SDS here:
What can you use to colour Polyurethane Resin?You can use Water Based Pigments suitable for the use with this product such as Acrylic Inks, Mica, Glitters, Powder Pigments
Is it toxic / hazardous?Please see the safety data sheet provided under 'Section 2' - screenshot of hazzard identification has been provided and can also be located on the SDS directly located here:
Where can I see the composition of this resin?Yes, absolutely. We have made the educated decision to choose to use Just Resin Watercote. We have carefully researched our options and the associated Safety Data Sheets and decided that as a medium, in our opinion, Just Resin Water Cote meets the requirements for our classes. Note that there is a very broad range of resins on the market, whilst all resin is toxic some resins are considerably more toxic and dangerous than other kinds of resin and using resin not designed for the application you are making can be very dangerous. For this reason, we exclude Bio (or second process) resins, resins, fibreglass resins, any commercial-grade resins, and any resins not specifically designed for artistic application (including resins from bunnings). There is one safety data sheet that relate to the Just Resin Watercote that we use, please it from end to end, the first few pages are a high-level summary, but the entire document should be reviewed to ensure you make an informed decision. The safety datasheet which you can locate here: Below is a screenshot showing the composition as it appears in that SDS:
What is the emergency respose for misuse of this resin?Emergency Procedures Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Material may be slippery when spilt. Walk cautiously, and ventilate area. In case of gross spillage wear protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contact. Bund area using dry sand or other. Inert materials to prevent run off into drains and waterways. Pump or scoop any free liquid into an appropriate container for disposal. Clean up spill area with absorbent dry sand, vermiculite or other inert material. Collect and seal in properly labelled container(s) for disposal as per local regulations. Do not flush into drains, waterways or sewers. You can find that located on the SDS for this resin which is located here: Below show a screenshot of that information:
Is PPE required with this resin?Yes, PPE is required with all resins. We address each are of PPE in the FAQ's for this section please read them carefully. This resin is a water-based resin and the SDS can be located here:
Customers' personal responsibility and choice to work with resinWe take personal responsibility for the welfare of our clients by exercising an increased duty of care to ensure that our clients make an informed decision in their choice to attend our art classes and do so with the information available to them to make this decision properly and assess the suitability of that creative medium for their own personal situation. This is our statement as to our duty of care and how we meet that duty for our classes. We remind clients that they too need to take personal responsibility for the ultimate decision to participate in a resin class. Please be advised that Sip 'n' Dip Australia will place an artist to supervise all classes and all measures will be taken to provide a safe environment for clients to enjoy resin, however, Sip 'n' Dip Australia Pty Ltd, its teachers, venues and owners takes no responsibility for personal liability and damage resulting from the use of resin in our class, at our venues or in your home. By purchasing a resin ticket you acknowledge that you understand and have read and agree to the terms and conditions listed on this page. Where can I find more information about the resin being used?
Have you got risk assessments for your venues?Yes, we do and we review them every 6 months along with the SDS for the resin we use - and they are held with each Sip 'n' Dip business independently. Where can I find more information about the resin being used? Safety Data Sheets for this resin can be found here:
Which colours will I have access to in class?We do not promise we will have any particular colours available at class, we offer a range of colours based on what is available at any particular time, note that due to COVID stock can be difficult to get so we offer a range of colours but will not promise that specific colour or shade will be at the class. Customers should not assume that a colour featured on our Facebook will be available. We do not promise or advertise a particular colour set will be available unless we run a class with a specific colour and design in which case those are the only available colours on the night. Colours availble in watercote classes are made up from Acrylic Inks, Mica, Glitters, Powder Pigments
How do you know you are providing appriopriate ventilation?For public venues where resin is used, that have current events listed, we retain a collection of risk assessments undertaken to assess the 'adequate ventilation' requirement of the SDS. We also conduct air quality checks periodically to ensure the continued safety of our clients. Where can I find more information about the resin being used?
Do you use ventilators?With watercote? No. For general classes we do not use ventilators in class, we instead provide well-ventilated areas in which to work. The safety data sheet (both of them) reads explicitly: Where ventilation is inadequate the use of an Air Purifying Respirator with a replacement organic vapour filter complying with AS/NZS 1716 is recommended. We ensure we are considering this statement carefully and meeting this requirement by the following controls: We provide a safety instructional discussion at the start of each class. We provide competent teachers who monitor the resin in class as it progresses. We provide monthly training to our teachers.We provide well-ventilated areas in which to work. We provide monthly vapour checks to ensure our areas remain well ventilated. We provide classes that work with very small amounts of resin 50-200ml (60 ml is generally the standard amount in our classes and is broken down 20ML Hardner, 40ML resin) We do not torch this resin (you can't it wont work) Customers are not present for longer than they need to be, and so as the curing process commences and vapours increase, they are not present for it. Where can I find more information about the resin being used?
Do you use safety googles?Yes, but not because of the resin, if we use goggles in class it will be because of another aspect or material used in class and unrelated to this resin. The safety data sheet reads explicitly Safety glasses with side shields, googles or full face-shield as appropriate recommended. Final choice of appropriate eye/face protection will vary according to individual circumstances i.e. methods of handling or engineering controls and according to risk assessments undertaken. Eye protection should conform with Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1337 – Eye protectors for Industrial Applications. We meet this requirement by undertaking risk assessments and the following engineering controls, this combined with COVID regulations means we do not use glasses in our classes: We provide a safety instructional discussion at the start of each class. We provide competent teachers who monitor the resin in class as it progresses. We provide monthly training to our teachers. We provide well-ventilated areas in which to work. We provide monthly vapour checks to ensure our areas remain well ventilated. We provide classes that work with very small amounts of resin 50-200ml (60 ml is generally the standard amount in our classes and is broken down 20ML Hardner, 40ML resin) We do not torch our resin (you can not torch watercote) Customers are not present for longer than they need to be, and so as the curing process commences and vapours increase, they are not present for it. You can read the safety data sheet here:
Do you use gloves in class?Yes we do. The safety data sheet reads explicitly 'Wear gloves of impervious materials such as impervious PVC or rubber gloves. The final choice of appropriate gloves will vary according to individual circumstances. We supply gloves in all classes. Where can I find more information about the resin being used?
Do you provide aprons?The safety data sheet reads explicitly 'Suitable work wear should be worn to protect personal clothing. Industrial clothing should conform to the specifications detailed in AS/NZS 2919: Industrial Clothing' We provide aprons at some locations (those with laundering facilities). For all locations, we provide advice to our clients that they should wear clothing with long sleeves as a protection mechanism. At the locations where aprons are not present, customers are required to dress appropriately for class, this information is provided connected to every ticket on our line up. COVID 19 introduced heavy fines for businesses that can not answer the question 'what are you doing to ensure you are putting measures in place to stop the spread of covid 19' the easiest way for it to spread in our classes is insufficient social distancing (which we police) and the use of reusable aprons. You can read the SDS here:
What should I wear to resin class?Wear old clothes, with long sleeves that you do not have any issue getting resin on. Resin can not be removed from your clothing. For all locations, you should wear clothing with long sleeves as a protection mechanism as resin is toxic. COVID 19 introduced heavy fines for businesses that can not answer the question 'what are you doing to ensure you are putting measures in place to stop the spread of covid 19' the easiest way for it to spread in our classes is insufficient social distancing (which we police) and the use of reusable aprons. At the locations customers are required to dress appropriately for class, this information is provided connected to every ticket on our line up. Where can I find more information about the resin being used?
How do I remove the drips and/or tape from my board after class?Watercote can be sanded to remove drips, or you can use the tape method. If you plan to sand your board, you must wait 30 days before doing so as the chemicals are still active and if reduced to a fine powder (by sanding) can be inhaled. This is toxic. Please read this article to learn how to finish your work on your own - note this must be done in the first 24 hours. Follow the instructions on this link:
Children and ResinEvery listed ticket contains a link to the resin information page with instructions to read this link before attending class. Customers can also view this on the main menu of our website at any time. Teachers also disclose the risks as part of the safety instruction at the commencement of the class. CHILDREN AND RESIN Children are welcome in our resin classes, but caution should be exercised, and parents should make a judgement call as to the suitability of the project, the exposure to chemicals and the ability of the child to participate. Parents are required to read the safety data sheet before booking a ticket. Parents take on full responsibility for the supervision of their child while using resin. We operate inclusive classes but do not pretend that there are not risks involved, risks that parents should review and make a decision on. Please carefully review the safety data sheets.
Pregnant woman and resinOur recommendation is that pregnant women shouldn’t work with epoxy resin - no matter the brand. Pregnant woman are welcome in our resin classes as an act of inclusion but the user’s own discretion applies. We suggest caution should be exercised, and each individual should make a judgment call as to the suitability of the project, the exposure to chemicals when deciding if they want to book. Expecting mothers take on full responsibility for this decision. We can not make this decision for them. We do not encourage their participation in our classes. Expectant mothers should be aware that working with or exposure to certain epoxies or resins could increase their chances of having fertility problems, miscarriage, stillbirth, or a baby with birth defects. Whilst the safety data sheet for the product we use has no referance to use of resin while pregnant, we remain firm in our resolve to provide expectant mothers with the information they need to make a judgement call. Pregnant woman are required to read these safety data sheets before purchasing a ticket and we suggest expectant mothers should seek further advice from their healthcare provider about whether or not resin is safe for them. We recommend expectant mothers exercise additional PPE precautions if they decide to proceed in booking including: - Long Sleeved Clothing - Two pairs of Nitral Gloves - A ventilator mask - An Apron - Protective Glasses - Skin protection cream - Having someone else combine the hardener with the resin on their behalf - Removal of any residual resin on the skin with alcohol wipes, then soap and water Expectant mothers can read the safety data sheets located here to support them in making their decision regarding resin: Learn more here:

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