On the 1st of September 2021, you are going to see a shift in thinking around single-use plastics here in Queensland. The ban is part of Queensland’s plan to tackle plastic pollution and follows strong support from the community, retailers and industry organisations including the team of businesses here at Sip 'n' Dip.
Did you know that half of all plastic produced in the world is designed to be used only once —and then thrown away? This is a huge contributor to the 300 million tonnes of plastic waste created every year, almost equivalent to the weight of the entire human population. The Queensland Government is taking action to fight plastic waste and pollution, starting with a ban on some single-use plastic items and we welcome the change.
But we are proud to say that you won't see a difference in your Sip 'n' Dip classes because we implemented the change long before we needed to.
What has been banned?
Straws: regular straws, flexible straws, straws with a scoop, cocktail straws and bubble tea straws
Stirrers: hot or cold drink stirrers, swizzle sticks and hot or cold food stirrers
Plates and bowls including single-use expanded polystyrene plates
Cutlery: knives, forks, spoons, teaspoons, sample tasting spoons, soup spoons, chopsticks, splayds and sporks
Expanded polystyrene takeaway food containers and cups.
What has Sip 'n' Dip done to meet the requirements?
Over the last 6 months we have progressively moved towards more sustainable solutions in our classes, and whilst the use of plastic can't be removed altogether we have implemented more sustainable choices for our operations such as:
Almost 4 months ago we moved to 30% recycled plastic cups that comply with the new Australian standards
Almost 9 months ago we moved to paper straws in our classes and stopped using plastic straws
Almost 12 months ago we moved to paper plates in our classes and stopped using plastic plates.
Almost 12 months ago we moved from expanded polystyrene drip trays to foam trays that comply with the new Australian standards
Beyond this, we have worked with our local supplier (we order all of our plastics through a locally based family business based in Bundamba) to ensure that all plastics we do purchase meet the required standards (including our resin pots and lids) and implement the changes needed months ahead of the deadline where needed.
To find out what is excluded from the ban please refer to the below:

What can Queenslanders do to help?
When it comes to how you can check you are meeting the requirements, you can find a fact sheet issued by the Queensland Government here. There are plenty of things Queenslanders can do to reduce the use of single-use plastics and plastic waste.
Some simple tips include:
• purchasing reusable products over disposable ones
• choosing products with less plastic packaging
• choosing products made from recycled materials
• recycling as many plastic products as you can through your kerbside recycling bin or outdoor recycling bins
• return your drink containers at a Containers for Change refund point • remember ‘soft, scrunchable’ plastics don’t go in kerbside recycling bins but can be returned to REDcycle bins at participating supermarkets
• avoid unnecessary plastic products like balloons (including plastic clips and sticks), ribbons and tickertape.
If you have questions about our choices
If you are unsure about any plastics you find in our classes after the 1 September Ban date or would like clarification please contact us directly. Penalties and substantial fines apply to businesses that misrepresent their compliance with the ban so it is for this reason that we are in the process of assembling a publically available list of the plastics we use and would be happy to provide the details for those who have questions relating to our classes.
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