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This form is used to request your tickets if you have a credit you would like to use with Sip 'n' Dip. All credit use requests must be tracked via this form. This form can not be used to request a credit, credits can only be requested if you have purchased ticket protection, please see the terms and conditions for ticket sales here.


It is important to note that you MUST complete this form to access your credit. There is a fee of $10 per ticket per the terms and conditions, when we action your credit request, you will be sent an email confirming it has been done, with $10 tickets created under the event for you to purchase and finalise the transfer, and tickets will be issued at check out.


A reminder that your credit can not be used for meals and drinks - it can only be used towards the deposit per the terms and conditions and submitting this form is subject to availability of tickets at the time we process your submitted request.

Your information (Information must match the purchaser of the original ticket)
About your credit
Attach copies of emails, tickets or information relating to this request here (Ssreenshots or image files only)
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)
Event you would like to attend
Terms and Conditions - Agreement

In signing this document, I agree to everything listed above, I understand by signing this request that I am agreeing to all the terms and conditions listed on the event and at the top of the Sip 'n' Dip website listed under 'Terms and Conditions' located here for the event that I have requested to attend and these will be marked as accepted when my tickets are issued and are sent to me.


I understand that this request covers my DEPOSIT ONLY, and that the meal fee is compulsory and due on arrival at the venue, I will refer to my tickets to confirm the amount payable.


Further, I understand that if my credit value or partial value will not cover the whole balance, instead of tickets issuing automatically, I will be sent a link to tickets to purchase to cover the balance. If I complete this form, and Sip 'n' Dip processes my request, then I do not purchase the tickets set up, I will be charged a further $10 per ticket to cover admin time in actioning my request. This is compulsory and required within 7 days.


Further, I understand that if the event is cancelled my balance will be returned to my credit automatically for reuse with an extended expiry date to cover the period of time between when I booked my tickets and when the event was cancelled.

This will take up to 7 business days, you can now close this window as your request has been transmitted to our team for processing.

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